My goal as an author is to entertain, challenge, and inspire…
My goal as a teacher (see my ABOUT page for qualifications and experience) is to engage with you through my Blog by:
• Earning your trust as a “go to” person when you’re seeking or struggling
• Discussing various Bible topics that you find interesting or have always wondered about
• Encouraging you (if you’re seeking) to find a purpose or mission for your life
• Finding approachable ways to share the truth of the Gospel with others
• Lessening your worry and anxiety about the world, your children and grandchildren, your friends and neighbors, and what lies ahead
"Intriguing stories of sin, redemption, and spiritual warfare that you’ll want to share with your Christian and non-Christian friends…"
Book one in the Woman of Sin Trilogy
Woman of Sin
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What to expect
If you like historical fiction, mysteries and romantic suspense…if you like reading about spiritual warfare…if you like discovering truths about the Bible, you’ve come to the right place!
My monthly Blog will feature not only short Bible studies, but special topics that readers have let me know interest them. Your requests can be sent to me by email ( or by subscribing to my monthly newsletter where you will receive updates and access to the latest Blog post. When you subscribe you may download a FREE “Character Art and Descriptions” PDF and occasionally there will be more giveaways!
If you belong to a book club that’s reading one of my books, let me know and I’ll email you a list of Discussion Questions in PDF format.
The books stay true to the Bible and never veer off into territory that presents anything but the gospel of Jesus Christ as written. Some characters and events are fictionalized, but without countering the Word.
If you find anything controversial or disturbing in my writing, please let me know and we’ll work through it together with love and respect. I believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God, and don’t believe in selecting passages to either accept or discard according to one’s own desires and opinions.
Whatever your beliefs or worldview, I want to get to know you, so let’s stay in touch by email or newsletter!
Why I Write Christian Fiction
The best three statements I know of that explain my reasons for writing Christian fiction are contained in the Mission Statement for the American Family Association based in Tupelo, Mississippi:
• To promote that which is right, true, and good according to Scripture
• To motivate people to take a stand for what they believe
• To encourage Christians to bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ
Author Jerry B. Jenkins has stated: “Novels allow readers to grapple with meaning, purpose and morality to an extent that isn’t possible through most other mediums…We connect with fictitious characters viscerally, empathizing with their struggles and feeling their pain and joy…” (Focus on the Family, Dec 2023/Jan 2024, p. 28, 29).
Jerry goes on to tell of letters he’s received from people who say his books have changed their lives. He says that “such letters trump any bestseller list or royalty check!”
For more about Jerry visit: