A Few Highlights of My Writing Journey
I’m a little camera shy these days, but here are some photos that might cast a little light on my growing up and the times during which I was writing a book. There were several other book signing and speaking occasions throughout the years for which I regrettably didn’t take pictures, or have since misplaced them. Anyway, here are a few highlights…
Book-signing set-up at church, about 2016
Christmas book signing at a local florist’s shop, about 2018
Younger Days
I loved my dog, (and little brother 😊), Easter Sunday, early 1960s
I “read” books and magazines wherever I could find them. Here I’m at my grandmother’s house, about 1963 or so
Just happy, early 1980’s
My precious poodle, Bridget, 1980
Another dog, Baron. This one turned out to be a little psychotic. And my eyebrows—what was I thinking? About age 15
Posing at one side of our new house being built in 1994
This is from a Vacation Bible School class I taught around 1998 or so. (I failed to write the date on the photo.) The theme was ‘Amazon Outfitters’, and of course this refers to the river, not the company! Some of you may have taught the same curriculum. I blurred faces to preserve the privacy of the modest. 😊
I ‘re-invented’ myself once in a while—with every hair color from light blonde to jet black. This is a publicity shot before publication of my first book taken in 2002
At Universal Studios in Los Angeles standing in the Ben Hur chariot, 1980
Research on a trip to Richmond, Virginia, late 1990’s
Not sure where I was or when! But obviously after publication of my first book. (Although Shadow of Dawn was the first one published, the first one written was Woman of Sin—with a different title, and I was still working on it)
While Writing
Still revising! I actually worked on WOS from 1977 to 2010. Photo from church directory, mid 2000s
Shortly before publication of Shadow of Dawn, about 2002
While working on one of many revisions of Woman of Sin. Here I’m a matron of honor at a family wedding, 2004
Publicity author photo, latest and maybe last. Have grown allergic to cameras! 2018