This article has to do with what some prophecy watchers refer to as “the coming great deception”. Long before it was being discussed online, I have considered the possibility that UFOs would play a large part in the final years and days on earth. Many sightings are no doubt our own military crafts, weather anomalies, hoaxes, etc., but there have been too many instances of the unexplainable to refute their existence.

DISCLAIMER: The first scenario about UFOs is NOT Biblical. The other theories presented in this article I do believe are possible scenarios for the end times. They have been put forward by “prophecy watchers”, a term I use to refer to men whose ideas I have been studying, and who I believe, at the time of this writing, to be godly and knowledgeable men.

Scenario 1: The Ancient Astronaut Theory  (Non-Biblical)

The TV show, “Ancient Aliens” is all about the premise that “gods” (aliens) came from the skies in the “ancient past”, and created, or seeded, the earth, including people. These beings are expected to return, hence the large number of recent UFO sightings. This theory does not support Christian beliefs, as the following “deception” theories do.

Scenario 2: The Pre-Rapture Deception (Possible)

In this scenario, demonic beings, which are called gods or aliens by the ancient astronaut theorists, make a spectacular appearance in the sky and may even land on earth to proclaim that they are our creators, that the God of the Bible does not exist and has never existed, and that Jesus was only a man and not the Son of God. These beings may display certain hoaxes and tricks—such as holograms played out in the sky, much like a movie—to “prove” their claims.

One of these entities may even claim to be Jesus, but remember that Christians don’t have to worry that they will be fooled. Jesus said that His sheep know His voice. (See John 10:27-42, Matthew 24:24 and Mark 13:22). Conversely, the entities may deny that Jesus ever existed.

Scenario 3: Fake Rapture (Possible)

Satan loves to produce counterfeits of everything God does. Imagine if a UFO (or numbers of them) abducted such a large number of people, literally millions, that it shocked the world and made it seem as if the Rapture had occurred, and left the Christians behind! This would certainly be alarming and confusing to some Christians, even if they were not completely deceived.

Scenario 4: The Post-Rapture Deception (Possible)

After the real Rapture occurs, UFOs make an appearance with their occupants stating that they have removed the “trouble-makers” from the earth, and they have now come to make order out of the resulting chaos, or they have come to assist humans on to their next stage of spiritual evolution, etc.


These theories may differ in the manner in which they occur, but ultimately have the same result. No doubt other theories have been expressed and may be equally possible—if one accepts the existence of UFOs.

Many prophecy watchers also believe that there will be, in the near future, a sudden or gradual disclosure by the government that it has known all along about UFO sightings and perhaps even “alien visitations”. Furthermore, it’s believed by many of these researchers that scientists either in the government or the private sector, or both, are associated with the creation of hybrid alien/humans.

Sound like The X-Files? Let’s not put our heads in the sand and refuse to admit that there is more to the dark side than we could ever imagine. The truth is out there, but there is only one truth: God or aliens. The ancient astronaut theorists are so close, yet so far!