Breaking News

This will be a short post because I can’t seem to get away from the TV!

I used to not watch the news much because it was depressing and, to be honest, often infuriating. And now, although those descriptors may still apply, it seems that every day is bringing more and more shocking revelations.

It began with the attempted assassination of President Trump on July 13. What a day! This was followed by the outraged demand for answers as to why the Secret Service failed so abysmally to protect him. Not referring to the heroic agents who swiftly surrounded him, but to the strategic planners and persons in high places.

Followed by the FBI investigation of the shooter, the refusal of the SS Director to resign, her interview by the Oversight Committee who repeatedly called for her resignation, which she finally submitted on the following day.

Then of course there was President Biden announcing he had Covid again, his retreat for several days, and his announcement that he was standing down and would not seek re-election. He endorsed his vice-president, who grabbed the ball and ran with it. More discussion on whether he was forced out, was this a coup, etc. Did the vice-president have the legal right to use campaign funds designated to Biden or was she committing a crime? Is Biden physically fit enough to continue his term…etc…etc.

Meanwhile, people are wanting to see results from the investigation of the shooter. They (we) want to know how this young man was able to walk around the grounds, with a scope no less, why his suspicious behavior wasn’t questioned, why the perimeter and the rooftop weren’t secured, why he was allowed to fly a drone over the area on the day of the shooting, where did he stash his rifle, why was the former president allowed to take the stage when it was known there was a suspicious person lurking around, why weren’t the warnings heeded which were called out by rally attendees that there was a man crawling on the roof with a gun, and it goes on and on.

President Trump readily admits his life was spared that day by the grace of God. It’s been noted that if the bullet had entered his head rather than the top of his ear, the force from that rifle shot would have blown the back of his head off, as happened with President Kennedy in 1963.

There was the RNC which held me riveted all that week. There was the announcement of President Trump’s vice-presidential choice, J.D. Vance.

Today Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech at the U.S. Capitol amid uproarious cheers, applause and standing ovations. Outside, protestors and supporters of Hamas swarmed and screamed out profanities. Some seemed fairly peaceful and some practically frothed at the mouth!

The talking heads are spinning, and so is mine…

I’ve probably forgotten to mention something significant. Please write me if there is something you’d like to see addressed in a future post.

In the meantime, what can we do about all this? First, pray for the safety and protection of our leaders. Pray for America. We can support our candidates monetarily. And—we can get out and vote in November for the candidate of our choice, Republican or Democrat.

Please be aware of what they stand for. Right now it’s still a free country, but if certain people have their way, it won’t be for long.