Those of us who are of a certain age may remember the skit “As the Stomach Turns” which appeared regularly on the Carol Burnett Show in the 1970’s. I thought it would be a good title for this month’s post! If you don’t like reading about politics, better skip it—but I promise it will be interesting.
Before jumping in on the issues, please note the following points about the importance of voting in this election.
Excerpts from Pray, Fast, Vote by Jentezen Franklin:
“For the saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.” George Sutherland, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 1938.
Register, pray, vote, and make your voice known! (p. 3).
“…in 2012 the gap between winning and losing for (a) candidate was a little under 5 million voters—nearly the same exact number of evangelical Christians who chose (not to vote).” (p. 2).
“We have preachers who won’t preach on the moral issues impacting our nation…that might offend…that might be controversial.” (p. 4).
“…hospitals are being sued because they refuse to perform abortions…we see Planned Parenthood taking money to abort and sell baby parts…We should be outraged enough to say ‘I’m going to act, I’m going to vote, I’m going to stand for what the Bible says…’” (p. 12-13).
“For look! The wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow on the string, that they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart. If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Ps. 11:2.
Rampant crime in our cities, suicide rates, excessive drinking, drug and alcohol addiction, drug overdoses [including new deadly drug, fentanyl], child abuse, sexual abuse, poverty and hunger, human trafficking, abortion, foster care (children hoping for a ‘forever family), gangs, school dropouts, bankruptcy…?
“Your state and local governments have a lot to do with these issues…what are you doing about it?” (p. 64).
“I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without but because of the insidious forces working from within.” Douglas MacArthur.
“…there is a …war being waged to undo the Christian underpinnings of our society and replace them with a …secular and godless agenda.” (p. 65).
“You can’t sit out during election season…and say, ‘Well, I hope something good happens.’” (p. 70).
“Our loyalty is not to the Democrats or the Republicans; it’s to the Word of God…We need to get our guns off each other and on the enemy…Spiritual wickedness is the foe.” (p. 27).
“Look at the direction your nation is going…It’s time to vote. It’s time to be the salt and the light of the world.” (p. 29).
“We are imperfect people in an imperfect election in an imperfect nation, voting for imperfect people in the hope they will rise to the moment of leadership and somehow surprise us…Every Christian citizen should vote. In fact, they have a sacred duty to vote.” Dr. Mark Rultand.
“Your voice matters. Let your prayers be heard in heaven and your vote recorded on earth.” (p. 72)
“…every Christian should be praying for the president, the vice president, members of the Supreme Court, and every level of the judiciary, and Congress.” (p. 7).
“Thus says the Lord of hosts: I am zealous for Zion with great zeal; with great fervor I am zealous for her.” Zechariah 8:2.
“The enemies of Israel…proclaim their intention is to ‘wipe Israel off the map’….If our American politicians side with other nations against Israel…they will…incur the wrath of the God of Israel.” (p. 32-34). See Isaiah 54:17 and Genesis 12:2-3.
[Consider the Hamas attack on Israel Oct. 7, 2024; the pro-Hamas demonstrations during the Congressional visit by Benjamin Netanyahu; the pro-Hamas and antisemitic demonstrations on today’s college campuses.]
“Israel holds one of the highest concentrations of high-tech industry in the world.” (p. 39).
[See p. 39 of the book for a detailed accounting of Jewish contributions to society by David Brooks, New York Times.]
[See the Resources page in the back matter of this book.]
The Genesis Prize:
“For generations, remarkable Jewish leaders have propelled humankind forward by discovering cures for diseases, developing new technologies, composing musical masterpieces, advancing causes of freedom and human rights, and serving as trailblazers in countless other fields.”
I’d like to emphasize that the information contained below has been taken from verifiable sources and I made it a point to include the references from which they came. It’s a long post but worth reading, even if it has to be done in increments as your valuable time allows.
I also want to state my regret if any of this material is personally hurtful to a candidate or to his or her family. It’s not my intention to criticize but to state facts. Many people don’t follow the news and may not be aware of these facts. The post will include a lot of controversial material. If I inserted my own opinions or thoughts they are enclosed in brackets. If any reader detects an error, please feel free to let me know so I may issue a correction.
Let’s begin by asking ourselves:
Why should Christians involve themselves in politics? To take advantage of our current freedom to vote for those who stand up for Christian values; to be salt and light in the world; to delay God’s inevitable wrath and judgement in order to allow more to be saved until the end comes.
The prevailing notion that Christians should avoid politics is a dangerous fiction. God has called the church to be His voice in the world. We have a moral obligation to speak out against evil—from the pulpit and beyond. This lie that we’re not supposed to get involved politically is exactly how we lose ground to secular and often satanic ideologies. The church’s silence only allows evil to prosper.
I wrote this book (Letter to the American Churches) for Christians because they are uniquely positioned to influence our society. If you call yourself a Christian, it means you are part of God’s solution to the problems in America today. We must confront issues like abortion and other governmental injustices head-on, just as the civil rights movement did. Doing otherwise is tantamount to moral negligence.
The parallels (to Nazi Germany) are startling and disturbing. In early 1930s Germany, many pastors chose to remain silent, thinking they were just ‘preaching the gospel.’ They ignored the rising evil, and by the time many saw what was happening, it was too late. Today, American churches are repeating those same mistakes. They’re complicit with the evil they refuse to speak out against.”
“…America is at a tipping point, and to turn the tide we must activate Christian voters to turn out at the ballot box.”
Let’s get people off the sidelines and actively participating in shaping our society for the better. Voting is the minimum we can do, but the implications of our faith stretch far beyond the ballot box….One in three Christians doesn’t vote regularly, and when Christians don’t show up at the ballot box, the secular world will.”
VOTER REGISTRATION: American Family Association
“God’s people have an assignment in the nation in which God planted us. That’s Biblical. This is not a time for despair. It is time for understanding, courage, and boldness.”
[Even though Kamala Harris said you were stupid; whatever the context her point was clear]
Before digging into the Great Divide, let’s see what the Bible says about the following critical issues.
The Bible teaches “fiscal responsibility, individual accountability, and hard work.” Consider urging government agencies to reduce spending “so as not to accumulate debt that will burden the generations to come.” (See II Thessalonians 3:10 and 3:12; I Thessalonians 4:11.)
Marriage is between one man and one woman. (See Genesis 1:27-28).
National and state legislation is needed to prevent explicit material being introduced into school curricula, including drag queen exhibitions and sexual/transgender information being pushed at the youngest of our children. Parents should participate in our children’s education and stand up for Biblical values. “Parents are the ones to whom God gave the responsibility of raising our children, not the government.” (See Ephesians 6:4b.)
“Abortion is NOT a matter of reproductive rights, women’s choice, or healthcare access. It is a matter of intentionally killing a human being—commonly known as murder.”
“Laws against abortion are NOT about restricting women’s rights…they are about insuring the right to life for every human being…from the womb to the tomb.”
Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3 (See Jeremiah 1:5; Luke :41-44.)
“This notion that one can or should change their gender based on an emotional proclivity is in direct opposition to God”, and what He created. “Gender is not followed by a question mark. Gender is apparent from the womb until one’s final breath—physically, physiologically, and emotionally.” (See Genesis 1:26-27.)
“A balance must exist between enforcing the law and showing compassion to immigrants in need of asylum or aid…The government’s primary responsibility is to protect its citizens…Nations have a God-given responsibility to secure borders and enforce laws for the protection of their citizens.” (See Acts 17:26b.)
Marriage is more than a social institution. It is a sacrament of faith, a reflection of God’s perfect plan for humanity and the living embodiment of Jesus’ love for the church and the church’s devotion to Him.
He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” Matthew 19:5-6
Now let’s get down to the ‘nitty-gritty’ of the political situation. Again, I’m going to try to just lay down the facts and refrain from disrespecting any other person’s right to their own viewpoint. However, there will be some opinions voiced that might clue you in as to where I stand. I will state facts regarding both political parties and references will be provided.
First, a summary of issues to be considered when you vote:
Open borders, government bailouts, the Green New Deal, destruction of our military, economy and inflation, end of the dollar replaced by central bank digital currency, pandemic lockdowns, climate change lockdowns, weaponization of government vs. Christians, defunding the police, criminals released from jail without bail, critical race theory, branding conservatives as ‘domestic terrorists’, blacklisting and arresting political opponents, appointing thousands of new IRS agents, the ‘communization’ of America. And I’m pretty sure I missed some.
Before you get tired of reading, let’s review how each candidate stands.
Notes: Harris has back-pedaled on some of these issues to appeal more to conservative voters but it’s largely expected that she’ll revert back to her original positions if elected. Question: If she wants to ‘fix’ these issues now, why hasn’t she done anything in the past almost 4 years?
To date Harris has not fully stated or clarified her positions on various policies so they cannot be stated here. Below is my summary gleaned from various sources which can be verified by references throughout the document. Also see
She opened the southern border to ‘illegal aliens’, a term she says we must have the ‘courage’ not to use, which allowed more than 10 million of them, including tens of thousands of drug dealers, into our country carrying with them the deadly drug fentanyl; she supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund which bailed out at least 65 people, including prisoners incarcerated for rape, sexual abuse of children, violent robberies, the assault of a woman in a restaurant bathroom, etc.; she voted for far-left spending bills that raised taxes and caused inflation; she supported freeing ‘illegal aliens’ to roam the streets of our cities, many of whom came from prisons and mental institutions; she proudly praised “Bidenomics” which caused the current economic crisis; she supported abolishing private health insurance to be replaced by Medicare for everyone, including illegals; she supported allowing ‘illegal aliens’ to vote; she publicly stated she is against using our own natural resources for fuel; she consistently denied the mental decline of President Biden; she supported the Green New Deal; she supported the premature removal of our troops from Afghanistan, resulting in a weakened military and nation-wide embarrassment; she supported defunding the police.
Side bar: All-renewable electricity would mean closing every nuclear, coal, and natural gas plant and would cost $7 trillion. The Green New Deal’s job guarantee would replace productive work with federally backed make-work jobs, distorting the labor market and hurting private businesses. GREEN NEW DEAL.
More facts: She made several statements in her acceptance speech of the VP nomination for the Democratic party which , in her own words captured on camera, can be proven to be untrue. Her emphasis was on abortion rights up to the moment of birth, and trashing President Trump. The speech also contained long segments of praising her mother for instilling in her a “go out and get it” attitude. She, and others from the DNC, accused Trump of endorsing Project 2025 SUMMARY, which he denies, although many of its policies are similar to those of the Republican party. (Official Project 2025 website).
More than one speaker at the DNC stated that Trump would sell out America for a dollar if it would fatten his own pockets and help his “billionaire friends”.
Ms. Harris neglected in her speech to reveal any solutions to the current issues and has not to this date done so in any public appearances. One hopes she will participate in the scheduled debate with President Trump on Tuesday, September 10 at 9 PM Eastern time. It will be hosted by ABC News—one also hopes it will be fair and balanced.
Ms. Harris at first denied that gas prices were at a record high, and groceries and housing prices were exorbitant. She now admits this is true and blames it on Donald Trump, although he has been absent from the administration for four years. When asked how she will accomplish a reversal of this she stated she would start by instituting governmental control over grocery stores and pharmaceutical companies.
Two policies Harris reportedly “borrowed” from Trump: “no tax on tips”, and the border policy. [As of this writing, she denies she has changed anything, implies that the media or her ‘handlers’ spoke for her, and none of her ‘values’ have changed. And as of today, she is considering not following through with the Trump debate (Fox News).]
“Kamala Harris is the most far-left, radical, Democratic candidate for president in the history of the United States. Once ranked the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate, Harris has staked out extremely progressive positions on border security (or lack thereof), immigration, healthcare, fracking, education, energy, and more. And…she’s flip-flopped on nearly every issue.”
Green New Deal. I support a Green New Deal and I will tell you why; climate change is an existential threat to us…
Open Borders: I know what a crime looks like and I will tell you that an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.
FOX NEWS, August 29, 2024
The Mexican border state of Chihuahua is on alert for members of a violent Venezuelan gang called Tren de Aragua, or TdA, after receiving reports that members of the gang were moving through the state to cross into the U.S. near El Paso, Texas.
FOX NEWS, August 29, 2024
According to a Fox News report, an apartment complex in Aurora City, Colorado is being overrun by armed gang members as the city struggles to manage the spike in illegal immigration. A recently released video shows potential gang activity; the group appears to be Tren de Aragua, or TdA, a transnational gang based out of Venezuela. END OF SIDEBAR, MORE ON HARRIS:
Defund the police. We have confused the idea that to achieve safety we need to put more cops on the street. We really do need to understand and reimagine how we can make and help make communities safe.
Benefits for illegals. Let me just be really clear about this. I’m opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health. Period.
Closing detention centers for illegals. All these detention facilities, the private prisons, the private detention facilities—they all need to be shut down…and immediately on Day One, I will end it.
Medicare for All. Under my plan of Medicare for All, private insurance companies will be able to provide coverage if they play by our rules.
Praises Bidenomics: It’s a term we’re very proud of. I must tell you because Bidenomics is working—it’s working!
Ban fracking. There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.
Allow prisoners and sex offenders to vote. I think we should have that conversation.
Concealed President Biden’s cognitive decline. He’s going to be fine. Let me say this: He is fine.
Lawmakers in California could soon make the Golden State the first in the country to make undocumented immigrants eligible for up to $150,000 in state-supported home loans.
The Democratic supermajority in the California state legislature is likely to pass a measure this week that would make undocumented immigrants eligible for the “California Dream for All” loan program, a state-funded program that provides 20% in down payment assistance up to $150,000, according to a report from Politico.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) skewered ABC News host Jonathan Karl during an interview on Sunday over false remarks that he made about Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ policy positions.
The remarks on the network’s “This Week” happened when Cotton correctly pointed out the numerous ways that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is different from Harris, who has supported “decriminalizing illegal immigration or giving taxpayer-funded health insurance to illegal aliens or taking away health insurance on the job for 170 million Americans, banning gas cars, (and) confiscating firearms.
“What do you mean taking away health insurance?” Karl snapped at Cotton. “What are you talking about?”
“She said when she ran for president that she wants to eliminate private health insurance on the job of 170 million Americans, Jon,” Cotton correctly noted.
Karl responded by claiming that that position was “not her position now.”
“How do you know that’s not her position?” Cotton pressed.
Karl claimed that she no longer supports the position, which Harris has not indicated.
“She has not said that. She has not said that. She has not said that,” Cotton fired back. “Maybe anonymous aides on a Friday night have said that, but the last thing that she said –”
Karl cut off Cotton and claimed that Harris was “not taking the positions of the far left of her party.”
“She’s clearly making an effort to move to the middle,” Karl claimed.
Cotton noted that during Karl’s interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that Sanders was “very disappointed” that Harris was trying to “hide her positions.”
“The American people are totally justified to conclude that Kamala Harris is a dangerous San Francisco liberal based on what she campaigned on the last time she ran for president and what this administration has done for the last four years,” he said.
Vice President Kamala Harris said that she stands behind President Joe Biden’s decision to leave Afghanistan, as the Democratic nominee came under attack from Donald Trump on the third anniversary of the botched U.S. withdrawal.
In a statement on Monday, Harris referred to “our Administration” and emphasized her support, despite the chaotic pullout, which included the deaths of 13 American service members in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport on Aug. 26, 2021.
Harris has described herself as being the last person in the room when Biden decided to move forward with plans that began under Trump to leave Afghanistan. A photo of Biden holding a secure video call on the withdrawal at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, during the debacle showed Harris as a participant.
When the president delivered an address on the withdrawal, Harris was one of four senior U.S. officials who stood behind him on camera.
In a video released to his Truth Social platform, the former president called it the “most embarrassing moment in the history” of the country and hit Harris for her past comments. “She repeatedly praised the decisions,” he said.
Trump participated in a wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday as Biden vacationed in Delaware and Harris met with her advisers.
Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, hosted a press call on Monday alongside family members of the soldiers who died in the bombing in which he criticized the Biden-Harris administration for not holding officials accountable.
Harris has been under pressure to share a detailed policy agenda and identify areas in which she differs with Biden. While she mentioned Israel’s war in Gaza during her acceptance speech at the Democratic convention last week, Harris hasn’t delivered a foreign policy speech since taking over the ticket.
While her advisers have said Harris doesn’t feel hemmed in to sharing Biden’s positions on every issue, Peter Feaver, who served under multiple presidents on the National Security Council, said it’s “probably politically safer for her to stick with the administration on this one, given that it would otherwise create quite a significant breach of daylight between her and President Biden.”
“She wouldn’t gain anything politically from it, and instead, she’d be inviting a maelstrom of media attention,” he said.
“Nobody expects perfection from our government, but we do expect accountability,” Vance said. “The fact that Kamala Harris can’t even bring herself today to offer any real answer for what happened or for what she’s going to do over the next six months to get to the bottom of what happened is, I think, insulting to the families who gave their loved ones in service of this country.”
Speaker Johnson slams Biden-Harris admin’s response to war in Israel: ‘This is not a game’. August 26, 2024.
The leaders of Israel’s government are unhappy with Vice President Kamala Harris.
After Harris skipped Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress last week, met with him afterwards, and then commented publicly on the humanitarian toll of the war, they expressed that displeasure. A top Israeli official, briefing reporters anonymously, said that their government has been uncomfortable with her tone and argued that she’s made a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas more difficult.
“We have to have a strong show of force, we have to show our adversaries…that America will stand with Israel…Biden and Harris did not show decisive action, they withheld weapons systems and all the rest that has gotten us into this mess…(Israel) cannot let up now, they have to eliminate the threat…The only person our adversaries fear LESS than Biden is Kamala Harris…Democrats are gaslighting Americans with no shame…Harris states that Israel has a right to defend itself but calls for a cease-fire, and fails to attend the Congressional meeting with Netanyahu on March 3, 2024.
“Leftists are now completely radicalized. From their political persecution of Donald Trump, to their outrageous protests in support of Hamas, to their mission to allow men in girls’ bathrooms…” (p. 1). See
“I want to lay out the battleground: This is absolutely a war for our kids…You have the left that’s weaponized the federal and local governments to create a bureaucracy that has pushed their agenda in our schools.” Ryan Walters, Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction. (p. 2)
The Biden Administration’s Title X law “could force schools to honor ‘gender identity’ instead of biological reality. This will give men who call themselves women full access to girls’ sports, locker rooms, and bathrooms.” If schools don’t comply, they lose their federal funds. (p. 3).
From Riley Gaines on allowing men to participate in women’s sports: “Say no, enough is enough…I’m saying no.” On men using women’s restrooms: (Per a flyer in a public restroom on a university campus in New York City which read: …DO NOT STARE AT THEM. DO NOT CHALLENGE THEIR IDENTITY, BUT DO LOOK THE OTHER WAY. DO RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY.” Basically it was saying to ignore your instincts. Abandon your gut feeling. Stay silent. Stay silent and take your pants off anyway. All of that is to say…call out injustice when you see it.” (p. 4-5)
The Dept. of Justice now actively investigates 13 colleges and universities that turned a blind eye to violent, anti-Semitic …outrageous pro-terror behavior on college campuses” (p. 1).
“You hear chants of ‘NYPD KKK’ and ‘Intifada’. These students don’t stand for any of the values of universities and colleges across the nation. It’s no longer a marketplace of ideas. It’s just indoctrination.” (p. 6).
Partial listing of schools who failed to stop the anti-Semitic violence on their campuses: Youngstown State University, Brown University, Princeton University, Arizona State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Indiana State University, Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, Temple University, SUNY-Binghamton, Swarthmore College, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (p. 6)
“Regardless of who you talk to or what group you’re in, someone usually believes that our country is on the wrong track.” (p. 7).
Title X
A federal grant program that provides affordable birth control and reproductive health care to people with low or no incomes. Title X services are available to anyone, regardless of age, sex, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, income, or insurance status.
Title IX
A federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination.
Key Points
Title IX was meant to promote women’s athletics. Biden’s new rule will erase women’s athletics and create a significant barrier for female athletes to compete in sports. Male athletes, who possess immutable physical advantages over females, will often be able to outperform female athletes, resulting in females losing spots on teams and losing scholarship opportunities.
Women will lose out on scholarships, resulting in lost educational and career opportunities. This new rule will allow men to rob women of not just their trophies, but their scholarships too. This impacts corporate boardrooms—one study revealed that 94% of senior female executives played competitive sports.
This rule change puts women and girls at risk of serious physical harm. Women and girls will be forced to compete against males who hold a physical advantage over females. Female athletes will face a much higher risk of serious physical harm every time they participate in practice or competitions.
Students will be in jeopardy of losing funding at their schools. The Left claims to be pro-student, but any school that maintains separate sports males and females without specific approval from the Biden administration will be at risk of losing federal funding.
This issue is bigger than just sports, and it affects our sons as well as our daughters. Teaching children to question their biology and gender is untested and unscientific. Young children and developing adolescents are being harmed by this woke political agenda. After so-called “sex-reassignment surgery,” girls and boys are nearly 20 times more likely to die from suicide than the general population.
Don’t redefine our daughters and sons’ identities. Up to 98% of children who struggle with their sex as a boy or girl come to accept their sex by adulthood. Our boys and girls need educators and mentors to support parents as they raise strong, loving, and intelligent men and women. At school, students should receive education and reinforcement, not a government-imposed identity crisis.
If the ACLU had their way, children nationwide would be able to choose to undergo an abortion or gender-mutilating surgery without any parental knowledge or consent.
The ACLU is pushing dangerous experimental medical procedures for minors, including gender-mutilating surgeries and puberty blockers under the guise of ‘gender-affirming health care’.
As pro-Palestinian protests roil college campuses across the country, two-thirds of students enrolled at the country’s most elite colleges and universities say that antisemitism is a problem on their campus.
Schooled in Hate: Anti-Semitism on Campus:
Among America’s students are many who grew up with little or no contact with Jews and who have a limited personal background to fall back upon when professional anti-Semites come to campus. For instance, young adults with little knowledge of the Holocaust might cast an uncritical look at a campus newspaper advertisement or scholarly-looking text claiming to prove that the murder of 6 million Jews is an historical hoax.
Underlined statements were presented as facts from his bio page on Harris’ website, Wherever a correction is needed it is marked as CORRECTION, and can be verified as such.
“He enlisted in the Army National Guard when he turned 17 and served for 24 years, rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major.” CORRECTION: The service is commendable but he lost that rank when he dropped out of the Guard just before being deployed to Iraq. Some said he never met the qualifications for that rank in the first place.
SIDE BAR: New York Post: Fifty Republican members of Congress who are military veterans denounced Democratic vice presidential pick Tim Walz on Wednesday for having lied about his rank in the Army National Guard and retiring before a deployment to Afghanistan to pursue his political aspirations.
The House and Senate GOP lawmakers, led by Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.), blasted out an open letter to the Minnesota governor, asking him to correct the “egregious misrepresentations” about his military record.
“You have lied your way through a political career launched on the foundation of a title you did not earn and combat deployments you did not take part in,” the former military service members in Congress charged.
“You have stated that you are ‘damn proud’ of your service, and like any American veteran, you should be,” they wrote. “But there is no honor in lying about the nature of your service.”
“Repeatedly claiming to be a ‘Retired Command Sergeant Major‘ when you did not complete the requirements was not honorable,” they went on. “Nor was it honorable to claim to carry weapons ‘in war’ when you had not served in war, and abandoning the men and women under your leadership just as they were getting ready to deploy was certainly not honorable either.”
To be blunt, when you falsely claim military service that did not happen and abandon your post, you diminish the real sacrifices made by veterans who did serve in combat,” they said.
“Until you admit you lied to them, there is no way you can be trusted to serve as Vice President
Walz, 60, served in the Army National Guard for 24 years—but retired from his artillery battalion and abandoned more than 500 men under his command two months before it deployed to Iraq in 2005.” (New York Post, 8/21/24.)
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz falsely claimed that he carried weapons “in war” in a resurfaced clip that JD Vance blasted this week as another example of the Democratic vice presidential candidate using “stolen valor.”
Critics were quick to point out that Walz, who retired from the National Guard in 2005, never actually served in a combat zone. (New York Post, 8/8/24).
“He served his community as a high school teacher and football coach.” CORRECTION: He was an assistant coach.
In 1999, Walz agreed to be the faculty advisor of Mankato West High School’s first gay–straight alliance.
For nine years Walz and his wife also ran Educational Travel Adventures, which organized summer educational trips to China for high-school students.
He is an American politician, former schoolteacher, and retired U.S. Army non-commissioned officer who has served as the 41st governor of Minnesota since 2019. He is the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president in the 2024 United States presidential election. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2007 to 2019, and was the ranking member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee from 2017 to 2019.
Walz was reelected to the House five times before being elected governor of Minnesota in 2018 and reelected in 2022.
On August 6, 2024, Vice President Kamala Harris announced Walz as her running mate in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
He later explained that he retired in order to focus on his campaign for Congress and did not want to violate the Hatch Act, which forbids some political activities by federal government employees. The Minnesota National Guard confirmed that Walz retired two months before his unit was notified on July 14 of its potential deployment to Iraq. The unit received its official mobilization order in August and deployed to Iraq in March 2006.
Walz was trained on, carried, and used weapons of war when the U.S. was at war, but did not deploy to an active combat zone during his service. At a meeting about reducing gun violence in 2018, he argued for some kinds of reform, saying, “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at.” The use of the phrase “in war” was criticized by Vance, who noted that Walz had not served in combat and accused him of “stolen valor“.]The Harris campaign responded that Walz “misspoke.”
Minneapolis sustained extensive damage from rioting and looting during the(George Floyd) protests—largely concentrated on a 5-mile (8.0 km) stretch of Lake Street south of downtown—including the destruction of the city’s 3rd police precinct building, which was overrun by demonstrators and set on fire. At a cost of $350 million approximately 1,300 properties in Minneapolis were damaged by the civil unrest of which nearly 100 were entirely destroyed.
Saint Paul suffered damages that totaled $82 million and affected 330 buildings, including 37 properties that were heavily damaged or destroyed, with most destruction along the University Avenue business corridor.
In January 2023, Walz signed the Protect Reproductive Options Act, which protects access to reproductive health care including abortion, contraception, and fertility treatments in Minnesota.
Abortion is legal at all stages of pregnancy in Minnesota. In April 2023, he signed the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act, which banned state agencies from “enforcing out-of-state subpoenas, arrest warrants, and extradition requests” for people who travel to Minnesota for legal abortion, limited the release of related health records, and cut funding for crisis pregnancy centers. [END EXCERPTS].
Walz is no stranger to making exaggerations. He also misrepresented his military service, indirectly implying that he saw combat while stationed overseas in the National Guard. In 2018, Walz spoke favorably of gun control initiatives, saying: “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”
One might have assumed, based on those remarks, that Walz carried weapons in an actual war zone, but no: He never served in combat. During the Afghanistan War, Walz was deployed to Italy and served in a support role. When referred to by others as an “Afghanistan veteran” and a veteran who served in “Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan,” he offered no correction, according to The New York Times. He also claimed to have retired from active service as a command sergeant major; his actual rank upon retirement was one level lower.
Republicans have said these misstatements amount to “stolen valor.” In the scheme of things, they are not the most egregious war-related exaggerations ever told by a major political figure. Hillary Clinton once said that her airplane came under sniper fire while landing in Bosnia, a claim that received four Pinocchios from The Washington Post. President Joe Biden has frequently stated that his son Beau Biden died in Iraq. (Beau died of a brain tumor, and his proximity to a burn pit while serving in Baghdad, Iraq, could be the proximate cause; he died in a U.S. hospital around six years after his deployment, however.)
But it’s important to demand frank honesty from those seeking higher office, and the media should not let politicians off the hook for even slightly embellishing the truth. Kudos to The New York Times, for instance, for very closely scrutinizing Walz’s military record and statements.
The best major media exposé on Walz’s incautious truth telling came from CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski, who revealed that Walz repeatedly lied about his 1995 arrest for drunk driving when he ran for Congress a decade later.
Walz was stopped for driving 96 mph in a 55 mph zone and admitted to police that he had been drinking. His blood alcohol level was .128.
“But in 2006, his campaign repeatedly told the press that he had not been drinking that night, claiming that his failed field sobriety test was due to a misunderstanding related to hearing loss from his time in the National Guard,” wrote Kaczynski. “The campaign also claimed that Walz was allowed to drive himself to jail that night. None of that was true.”
These were direct lies, and there’s no excuse for them.
In accepting the Democratic vice-presidential nomination, Minnesota governor Tim Walz tried to present himself as a sort of Mister Rogers type whom everybody should want as their neighbor. But in the weeks ahead, that image will have to contend against a record that includes a history of fabrication and radicalism.
In his speech, Walz tried to portray Democrats as a laissez-faire party. He claimed that in Minnesota, “We respect our neighbors, and the personal choices they make, and even if we wouldn’t make those same choices for ourselves, we’ve got a golden rule: ‘Mind your own damn business!’”
But as governor, he imposed among the most draconian Covid restrictions in the nation and even set up a hotline for residents to rat out neighbors who weren’t following his social-distancing rules.
In Walz’s twisted moral universe, “Mind your own damn business!” isn’t actually about letting neighbors make their own choices, it is a justification for the unfettered ability to kill unborn babies.
Walz also claimed that Democrats support Americans’ ability to make their own health-care decisions. Meanwhile, he and Harris both supported expanding Obamacare, which mandated that every American had to purchase government-designed health-insurance policies and outlawed policies that millions had used. In her first campaign, Harris proposed kicking 180 million people off of their private insurance.
These distortions shouldn’t be a surprise. Over the course of decades, Walz has played fast and loose with the facts for his political benefit. He has enabled misrepresentations of his career in the Minnesota National Guard to flourish. In the run-up to the convention, in attacking Vance with the false claim that he wanted to ban IVF, Walz advanced another lie — that his own children were conceived through the procedure. In reality, his wife used another fertility treatment that does not involve the creation or destruction of embryos outside of the womb. (He was more careful in his phrasing during his convention speech.) These lies are on top of a history of untruthful statements during his career, including his preposterous claims that 80 percent of rioters after the George Floyd killing came from out of state and that, despite protracted school closures during Covid, “over 80 percent of our students missed less than ten days of in-class learning.”
Though Walz tried to tout tax cuts in his convention speech, he has been a fiscally reckless governor, squandering surpluses on liberal wish-list items and proposing tax increases on individuals, businesses, capital gains, dividends, and gas, as well as various fees.
Democratic vice-presidential nominee for the 2024 election Gov. Tim Walz’s message celebrating individual freedom clashes with his track record during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He continued, “In Minnesota […] there’s a golden rule: mind your own damn business.”
Conservative activists have pushed back on Walz’s self-characterization, pointing to his track record on issues such as COVID-19 lockdowns, parental rights, and more.
“He should take some of his own advice, because during COVID not only did he lock down schools and mask children, he encouraged neighbors to snitch on each other if they were taking their kid to the playground,” said Tiffany Justice, Moms for Liberty co-founder.
Critics point to Walz’s memorandum mandating indoor masking during the coronavirus pandemic, which he enacted in 2020 and ended in 2021.
The Upper Midwest Law Center sued, calling the mandate unconstitutional, but an appellate court ultimately sided with Walz.
In 2020, Walz set up a COVID-19 hotline that allowed Minnesota residents to inform authorities about suspicions their neighbors may be violating lockdown measures.
Walz’s connections to China raise questions about possible CCP influence in his decision-making as governor—and should he be elected, as vice president.
WASHINGTON—Today, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) is launching an investigation into Minnesota Governor Timothy Walz, Kamala Harris’s recently announced vice-presidential running mate, following reports detailing the Governor’s longstanding connections to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) entities and officials. In a letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray, Chairman Comer is requesting information, documents, and communications related to the CCP-connected entities and officials Governor Walz has engaged and partnered with, as well as any warnings or advice the FBI may have given to Governor Walz about U.S. political figures being targeted by or recruited for CCP influence operations.
“The CCP has sought to destroy the United States through coordinated influence and infiltration campaigns that target every aspect of American life, including our own elected officials. Americans should be deeply concerned that Governor Walz, Kamala Harris’s vice-presidential running mate, has a longstanding and cozy relationship with China. Mr. Walz has visited China dozens of times, served as a fellow at a Chinese institution that maintains a devotion to the CCP, and spoke alongside the President of a Chinese organization the State Department exposed as a CCP effort to influence and co-opt local leaders. FBI briefers recently informed the Committee that the Bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force investigates CCP activity that is similar to China’s engagement with Governor Walz. The American people deserve to fully understand how deep Governor Walz’s relationship with China goes,” said Chairman James Comer.
Reporting indicates Governor Walz has concerning ties to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In 1993, according to the Star-Herald, as a teacher, Mr. Walz organized a trip to the PRC with Alliance High School students, where costs were paid by the Chinese government. In 1994, Mr. Walz set up a private company named “Educational Travel Adventures, Inc.,” which coordinated annual student trips to the PRC until 2003 and was led by Mr. Walz himself. The corporation was reportedly dissolved four days after he took congressional office in 2007. Since his first trip to China, Governor Walz has visited the PRC an estimated 30 times. While serving in Congress, Mr. Walz also served as a fellow at the Macau Polytechnic University, a Chinese institution that characterizes itself as having a “long held devotion to and love for the motherland.” Governor Walz spoke alongside the President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which, a year later, the Department of State exposed as “a Beijing-based organization tasked with co-opting subnational governments,” including efforts “to directly and malignly influence state and local leaders to promote the PRC’s global agenda.”
Aol: “The Wall Street Journal, citing local media reports, reported that one trip to China doubled as his honeymoon in 1994, and he planned his wedding date to coincide with the Tiananmen Square crackdown” [massacre].
At a campaign rally in Montana on Friday, Trump, the GOP’s presidential nominee, accused Walz of signing a law “letting the state kidnap children to change their gender…” Vance, during an interview with ABC News’ Jonathan Karl on This Week that aired Sunday morning, backed Trump’s comments, reiterating that the policy amounts to “kidnapping.”
Luke Schroeder, a spokesman for Vance, told Newsweek via email on Sunday afternoon, “The letter of this law is clear: a parent who dissents from their child receiving so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ can lose custody. Anyone who says otherwise is lying about the law because they know just how radical it is.”
Beyond partisan rhetoric, here’s an overview of Walz’s gender-affirming care and LGBTQ+ legislative record.
In April 2023, Walz, who has been the state’s governor since 2019, signed a Minnesota law aimed at protecting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community to access and receive gender-affirming health care—which can include a range of medical procedures and care such as surgery and puberty blockers—without intervention of out-of-state laws.
It also states if a child has been abandoned or their safety is at risk, or they are unable to obtain gender-affirming care, the “court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction.”
In addition, Walz banned conversion therapy for children and vulnerable adults. Twenty-three states and Washington, D.C., have banned conversion therapy. Meanwhile, half of the United States have restrictions on gender-affirming care.
His nomination was celebrated by LGBTQ+ organizations. A former teacher, Walz served as the faculty advisor of Mankato West High School’s first gay-straight alliance back in 1999.
Vance’s policies on LGBTQ+ issues and gender-affirming care differ significantly from those of Walz. Last year, he introduced the “Protect Children’s Innocence Act” to ban transition-related medical care, with providers facing potential jail time. The senator has also sought to ban unspecified “X” gender markers on passports.
As governor of Minnesota, one of Tim Walz’s accomplishments was signing a 2023 education law that included a mandate for schools to provide free menstrual supplies to students in grades 4 through 12.
That mandate is drawing fresh attention as the Trump campaign seeks to criticize Walz for the law, claiming it requires school districts to supply tampons and pads to both female and male bathrooms due to transgender boys who may menstruate. On social media, the hashtag #TamponTim began trending on August 6, the day Walz was named as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate for the Democratic presidential ticket.
“As a woman there is no greater threat to a woman’s health than leaders … who support putting tampons in men’s bathrooms in public schools,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told Fox News on Tuesday.
She added, “Tampon Tim put tampons in boys’ bathrooms, wants men to play in women’s sports, and supports gender transitions for minors.”
The nation has been awash in “Drag Queen Story Hours” at local libraries. These, as you might guess, involve men dressed up as garishly adorned women. The obvious goal here is to convince an entire generation of children that transvestites are perfectly normal. It’s a gutter-dragging attempt to define deviancy before most of the children in the library even know what deviancy is.
Another form of sexual DEVIANCY—it’s “deviant” because it deviates from God’s design for human sexuality—that is sweeping everything before it, is transgenderism. This is a movement to convince males that if they like being a female they can become one. It is a monstrous lie which destroys the innocence of children who have been exposed to it and even destroys transgenders themselves, 41% of whom commit suicide.
“What kind of country tries to force the use of tax money to mutilate the bodies of little children through so-called sex-change operations without parental consent? …We are in a fight for the very future of our children.” Hon. Eugene Delgaudio, President, Public Advocate of the U.S.
God does not make mistakes, and he did not make a mistake when he made every person ever born a man or a woman. The left is working rapidly to redefine families and traditional gender roles, and to force every aspect of society to follow suit, from corporate America promoting transgender indoctrination for children to radical school administrators trying to force young girls to share bathrooms and locker rooms with biological men.
Women’s sports are under attack, medical schools are throwing out science and biology for gender ideology, and social media is training children to question their sex and sexuality. There has never been a more important time to stand for Christian values and to support candidates who will protect Americans from the dangerous and pervasive transgender ideology of the left.
Abortion stops a beating heart and ends an innocent human life. A life that is a gift from God and one that we ordain our government to protect.
On June 24th, 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the issue of abortion back to elected representatives, where it belongs. This incredible victory came after 50 years of work from pro-life groups like the Faith & Freedom coalition, who fought not only to keep the conservative movement engaged on the fight for life, but to elect conservative Presidents and Senators specifically so they could appoint and confirm judges to the Supreme Court who would right the wrongs of Roe v. Wade. But the Dobbs decision didn’t close the book on the pro-life movement; it just turned the page.
Now that the power to regulate abortion has been returned to elected officials, Faith & Freedom is working diligently to protect life by working with elected leaders in Washington, DC and in State Capitols throughout the country to enact pro-life laws and executive action that protects women and their unborn children including:
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.
The Pennsylvania Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and Dismemberment Ban, which would end late-term abortions after five months of pregnancy throughout the Commonwealth.
Statement by Ralph Reed, Chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Ruling:
Today’s SCOTUS Dobbs decision is a victory for unborn children and all who cherish innocent life. Roe was wrongly decided and never rested well on the American conscience. The abortion issue returns to the state legislatures and the people where it belongs.
“The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Mr. Trump said: “Do you remember when I said Hillary Clinton was willing to rip the baby out of the womb? That’s what it is. That’s what they’re doing. It’s terrible.”
The Republican caucus in the Virginia House of Delegates tweeted: “Democrats proposed legislation to allow abortions up to just seconds before that precious child takes their first breath.”
“Thankfully, our strong conservative majority was able to defeat this bill,” they added.
At times, an abortion procedure can result with a child being born alive. In these situations, it is currently legal for the medical practitioners performing an abortion to deny medical care to the infant and leave the baby to die, sometimes over the course of hours or days—this abhorrent practice of infanticide must end.
A baby’s right to life and medical care does not change because he or she was born in an abortion clinic instead of a delivery room, and medical practitioners should be legally required to administer medical care to babies no matter where or why they are born.
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 619) is non-controversial legislation. It would require that appropriate medical care be given to any child who survived an attempted abortion and that the child be transported and admitted to a hospital. Health care practitioners who violate these requirements would be subject to criminal penalties.
It would also allow the woman on whom the abortion is performed to obtain “appropriate relief” via a civil action suit. Appropriate relief includes monetary damages for physical/psychological harm, statutory damages, and punitive damages. The mother of the child born alive during an abortion would not be prosecuted.
This bill comes at a time when several states have recently passed or proposed laws to legalize abortion up until birth, which may increase the likelihood of botched abortions where babies are born alive. In an interview with KTOP news, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam even supported a state bill that would allow the killing of an innocent baby after birth if it is what the mother wanted. According to Gov. Northam, “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Radical-leftists’ opposition to this non-controversial legislation shows with what little regard they have for the sanctity of life. Conservatives have the opportunity to stand up and protect the lives of innocent babies born alive after a botched abortion.
Key Points
A baby’s right to life does not change because he or she was born during an abortion. A fundamental American principle is equal treatment under the law. All babies have a right to life.
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act addresses a real and current problem. There are newborn babies who are currently being denied lifesaving medical care, resulting in their death—this is infanticide.
A legislative fix is necessary. Medical practitioners should be legally required to provide medical care to a child born during an abortion and ensure that the baby is admitted to a hospital for further care.
Americans overwhelmingly support this legislation. 77 percent of voters support legislation to ensure that a baby who survives a failed abortion be given the same medical treatment as any other baby born prematurely at the same age.
Support for this legislation should be common-sense and bipartisan. Regardless of party affiliation, every member of Congress should stand in defense of life and liberty and against infanticide.
Liberals cannot hide behind ‘abortion-rights.’ This legislation defends the sanctity of life by protecting newborn children outside the womb but does not restrict a woman’s access to abortion services. Opposition to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is completely indefensible.
The proposed legislation would not prosecute the mother of a child born alive during an abortion. The bill creates criminal penalties only for those medical practitioners who refuse care to the child.
“Planned Parenthood pledged 40 million to Democratic campaigns.”
“Abortion will be the message of this election…”
“For far too long many Christians have remained on the sidelines…Can Christians really make a difference by being involved in the cultural battles or political process?…Absolutely…Christians are to be salt and light wherever they go. If there are enough of them—and if the Lord grants them victory in their endeavors—then cultural change will follow…The battle lines are clearly drawn…If Christians are not involved in the here and now, evil will continue to prevail little by little…To refuse to preserve (freedom), or even to be apathetic about that responsibility, is to squander the freedom…Such irresponsibility would be inexcusably tragic.” (Matthew White, staff writer, interview with AFA Vice President Ed Vitagliano).
[My Insert: If any of you watched the Democratic National Convention in Chicago you may have noticed that the Democrats allowed Planned Parenthood to set up a mobile clinic directly outside their building offering free abortions and vasectomies.]
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid typically used to treat patients with chronic severe pain or severe pain following surgery. Fentanyl is a Schedule II controlled substance that is similar to morphine but about 100 times more potent. Under the supervision of a licensed medical professional, fentanyl has a legitimate medical use. Patients prescribed fentanyl should be monitored for potential misuse or abuse.
Illicit fentanyl, primarily manufactured in foreign clandestine labs and smuggled into the United States through Mexico, is being distributed across the country and sold on the illegal drug market. Fentanyl is being mixed in with other illicit drugs to increase the potency of the drug, sold as powders and nasal sprays, and increasingly pressed into pills made to look like legitimate prescription opioids. Because there is no official oversight or quality control, these counterfeit pills often contain lethal doses of fentanyl, with none of the promised drug.
There is significant risk that illegal drugs have been intentionally contaminated with fentanyl. Because of its potency and low cost, drug dealers have been mixing fentanyl with other drugs including heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine, increasing the likelihood of a fatal interaction.
The reasons why fentanyl usage is growing are multifaceted; however, a key factor is the flow of fentanyl and fentanyl ingredients internationally from countries such as Mexico, China, and India, according to the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
Marked mental confusion or stupor.
Difficulty remaining conscious (or being completely unconscious).
Lack of responsiveness, or being unable to be roused or woken up by others.
Vomiting (particularly dangerous given the potential for diminished gag reflex).
What Is Substance Abuse Treatment? A Booklet for Families (FREE)
To download PDF with specifications:
Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.
Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history.
End inflation and make America affordable again.
Make America the dominant energy producer in the world.
Stop outsourcing and turn the U.S. into a manufacturing superpower.
Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips.
Defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, including freedom of speech…religion…and the right to keep and bear arms.
Prevent World War III, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country, made in America.
End the weaponization of government against the American people.
Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders.
Rebuild our cities, including Washington DC, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
Strengthen and modernize our military, making it… the strongest and most powerful in the world.
Keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
Fight for and protect social security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age.
Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations.
Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.
Keep men out of women’s sports.
Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.
Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship.
Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success.
“How much longer will the mainstream media allow Kamala Harris to hide and use staff to speak on her behalf? It’s DAY 37 of ZERO interviews and Kamala’s anonymous campaign sources are now claiming she supports President Trump’s border wall — this is a preposterous and false claim. Kamala’s RECORD proves she is pro-open border. She called the wall “un-American,” a “waste of taxpayer money,” “medieval,” and said it isn’t going to “stop” illegal immigration. As a senator, Kamala tried to block President Trump’s construction of the border wall. As Border Czar, Kamala Harris halted construction of the border wall. Kamala’s ACTIONS speak much louder than the WORDS of the anonymous staff she is cowering behind.” – Karoline Leavitt, National Press Secretary
Yes, Kamala Harris still supports a ban on fracking — her top campaign spokesman just confirmed it.
ON AUGUST 26 President Trump addressed thousands of Army and Air National Guard officers, family members, and others, where he highlighted the critical role the National Guard plays in the nation’s security and outlined the stakes of the upcoming election.
President Trump was invited to Arlington National Cemetery by the families to mark three years since the attack on Abbey Gate that killed 13 American heroes during the Afghanistan withdrawal. President Trump showed up – as he has always shown up for the Gold Star families. Kamala Harris didn’t – adding to years of disrespect from Kamala Harris to the families of the fallen.
Outrageously, Kamala Harris is now trying to attack President Trump for being there for the families, something she has never done.
The Gold Star families responded to Kamala Harris’s shameful post: “We, the families of the brave service members who were tragically killed in the Abbey Gate bombing, are appalled by Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent attempts to politicize President Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery. President Trump was invited by us, the Gold Star families, to attend the solemn ceremonies commemorating the three-year anniversary of our children’s deaths. He was there to honor their sacrifice, yet Vice President Harris has disgracefully twisted this sacred moment into a political ploy…Vice President Harris has proven herself unfit to serve as Commander-in-Chief.”
Trump Assassination Attempt
“Donald Trump – former president, candidate for president – was shot by a would-be assassin on July 13. While some minimize his survival, it is neither overstatement nor messianic to say his survival is miraculous, given the intent, range, and agility of the shooter. History foreshadows more.
None of us, however spiritual, can know God’s will, nor change it. Yet cynics, like those of faith, ought not to dismiss the patterns of life, history, and where miraculous events often lead.
For those with no inclination to history, miracles, faith, or divine intervention – no patience for those who see the Hand of Providence in American history – so be it. But history never stops teaching.
The lives of George Washington, Joshua Chamberlain, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher, and countless others, … teach us lessons, not least about faith.
On July 9, 1755, George Washington found himself under intense fire during the Battle of Monongahela. At 23, he was not used to being shot at, became defiant, rallied hundreds, and survived two horses shot from under him, four shots through his coat. He should not have.
Without George Washington’s survival at Monongahela, and later facing down point blank attempts on his life at Long Island, Brooklyn Heights, Princeton, and Trenton, the Revolutionary War would likely have been lost, no President Washington, no young nation, no older nation… no now.
On July 2, 1863, Joshua Chamberlain turned the flank of Lee’s troops at Gettysburg, 20th Maine, Battle of Little Round Top. More than once, face to face, he was confronted and shot at – but those shots miraculously missed or the guns misfired.
Without Joshua Chamberlain’s survival at Little Round Top, turning the line and tide at Gettysburg, that battle would have likely gone to Lee, no Union victory, no Gettysburg Address… no now.
On July 1, 1898, Theodore Roosevelt (TR) stormed San Juan Hill in Cuba with his Rough Riders, helping to end the Spanish-American War. In the charge 144 died, not TR.
In 1912, having been president once, running again after Howard Taft’s failed term, TR was speaking at a rally in Milwaukee – when he was shot. The bullet penetrated his suit, hit a metal glasses case and papers in his vest pocket. Wounded, he defied the would-be assassin, finished.
Without TR’s survival at San Juan, no President Theodore Roosevelt, no Nobel Prize for ending the Russo-Japanese War, no trust busting, national parks, Panama Canal, expanded Navy, “Man in the Arena” speech. Without survival in Milwaukee, no preparation for World War I … questionable now.
In March 1981, a would-be assassin shot Ronald Reagan at the Hilton Hotel in Washington DC, leaving a bullet lodged near his heart. Reagan quipped to doctors, recovered in time. In May 1981, Pope John Paul II was nearly assassinated, shot in St. Peter’s Square. In 1984, Margaret Thatcher was nearly killed in a terrorist bombing, Grand Hotel, Brighten England.
Without those three individuals surviving those three assassination attempts, each narrowly – one might say by God’s Grace – they would not have lived to coordinate an end of the Soviet Union, no “Evil Empire” speech, no “Tear down this wall” speech, no conversion of Gorbachev … no now.
In Reagan’s autobiography he said, on the day, “I thanked God for what He … had done for me.” In his diary: “Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will try to serve him in every way I can.”
American history is a constant teacher, as is world history. What follows this attempt on Donald Trump’s life, how it will affect him, affect us, affect our history, perhaps change the course of our history is unclear. But history is filled with examples of divine intervention, and this looks like one.”
“We defeated ISIS, we killed the world’s top terrorists, we secured our borders, we achieved energy independence, we stood up to China, we protected Israel, we made peace in the Middle East…and didn’t start wars.”
“We were getting out of Afghanistan, but we were going to get out with dignity, pride, and with strength…When I left office, we had not lost a single service member in combat in Afghanistan in 18 months, and then we had that horrible day “ [during the Biden administration].
Starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office, I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace.
“…the balance of power in the United States Senate hangs by the thinnest of margins. A Democrat majority means more taxes, more IRS meddling into our personal finances, more government, more bureaucracy, more open borders, more national debt, more ‘woke’ progressive nonsense infiltrating every aspect of our lives, and more witch hunts against my father for the crime of draining the Washington DC swamp.”
“Special counsel Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment against Donald Trump on Tuesday, accusing the former president of two felony counts of obstructing an official proceeding, one felony count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, and one felony count of conspiracy against rights.
Trump blasted Smith and the DOJ on X, calling the move “election interference.”
“It is DOJ policy that the Department of Justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election – but they just have taken such action,” he said. “Voting starts on September 6th, therefore the DOJ has violated its own policy – Election Interference. All of these Comrade Kamala/Biden Hoaxes should be immediately dismissed!”
“Propagandists in the media incited the assassination attempt on Donald Trump…comparing Trump to Hiter and calling him a ‘threat to democracy”. The Biden regime also: conducted two fraudulent impeachments of Donald Trump; tried to frame Trump supporters as ‘enemies of democracy’ with the January 6 hoax; tried to strip Trump of Secret Service protection; have been trying to put Trump in prison in multiple jurisdictions for non-crimes based on made-up law; conducted a SWAT team raid on Trump’s home in Florida. (A U.S .District Court has since dismissed this case against Trump.”)
From 2016-2018 Democrats created the ‘Russia Collusion’ … in an effort to rig the 2016 election and then overthrow (Trump) after he was elected.”
“Christians don’t vote that much. You don’t have to vote in four years, but you have to vote this time,” he joked. “Never again will the federal government be used to target Americans of faith.” Trump railed against the ‘radical left’ who he said rigged the 2020 election and vowed they wouldn’t do the same thing this year. “They want to take away my freedom because I won’t let them take away your freedom,” Trump said, referencing the various prosecutions being carried out against him.
Republican Virginia governor, Glenn Youngkin, spoke just ahead of Trump, issuing a call to action to get the former president back into the White House, as well as strengthened Republican majorities in Congress.
[Strictly for those who are unfamiliar with Tim Walz and his policies, here is information posted on the Sean Hannity website. It’s a lot of material if you care to go through it; however, please continue to the end of this post for vital information on other issues. DBD].
CNN contributor Scott Jennings pushed back on the talking point that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is just a “normal guy” on Tuesday night.
“One of his friends told me this morning that his – that his superpower is how normal he is,” CNN host Dana Bash said, prompting a sharp rebuke from Jennings.
“Is it normal to let your biggest city in your state burn while you‘re the governor for four days, destroying thousands of businesses, hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage, while you do nothing?” Jennings said, referring to the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020.
Walz’s wife Gwen says criminals should have as many chances as they need. (111920)
Walz says one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness. (072924)
Walz defends sanctuary states. (110218)
Walz calls National guard “nineteen-year-old cooks”. (080320)
Vance says Walz’s record is a joke; Kamala bent knee to Hamas wing of the party. Vance says Walz let rioters burn Minneapolis and Kamala bailed them out. (080624)
Pelosi lies, says Walz is right down the middle, Heartland of America democrat (080624)
Lt. Governor praises Walz for supporting gender affirming care for children (031623)
Hannity runs down Walz’s radical positions (080724)
Signed legislation giving illegal aliens tax-payer funded health care, college and driver’s licenses.
Overall crime went up 30% and violent homicides went up 71% during his tenure.
Enshrined into law unrestricted abortion on demand until birth and stripped the right of newborn babies to receive life-saving care.
Required public schools to stock menstrual products in boys’ bathrooms.
Allowed leftist rioters to burn Minneapolis (who Kamala then bailed out), directed police to surrender their precinct, stalled deploying the National Guard, excused the riots as what happens when ‘society does not put equity and inclusion at the center’.
Backed voting rights for convicted felons.
Pushed a ban on gas-powered cars.
Signed an order to allow minors of any age to receive gender reassignment surgeries without guidance from their parents or guardians and signed legislation to strip custody away from parents who didn’t consent.
Defended his forced school lockdowns and masking even after they were shown to be ineffective.
Implemented a snitch line for neighbors to rat each other out for violating his COVID orders.
Signed legislation redefining ‘sexual orientation’ to include pedophiles.
Lied about his relationship with a Hitler-promoting cleric.
Lied about his political opponents.
Says “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness”.
Opposes restricting sexually explicit…content from elementary schools.
Has repeatedly praised communist China.
Smeared rural America as ‘mostly rocks and cows’.
Democratic vice-presidential nominee for the 2024 election Gov. Tim Walz’s message celebrating individual freedom clashes with his track record during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He continued, “In Minnesota […] there’s a golden rule: mind your own damn business.”
Conservative activists have pushed back on Walz’s self-characterization, pointing to his track record on issues such as COVID-19 lockdowns, parental rights, and more.
“He should take some of his own advice, because during COVID not only did he lock down schools and mask children, he encouraged neighbors to snitch on each other if they were taking their kid to the playground,” said Tiffany Justice, Moms for Liberty co-founder.
Critics point to Walz’s memorandum mandating indoor masking during the coronavirus pandemic, which he enacted in 2020 and ended in 2021.
The Upper Midwest Law Center sued, calling the mandate unconstitutional, but an appellate court ultimately sided with Walz.
In 2020, Walz set up a COVID-19 hotline that allowed Minnesota residents to inform authorities about suspicions their neighbors may be violating lockdown measures.
The federal government routinely revises economic data, but it rarely makes a correction as large as it did on Wednesday, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported America’s economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than it initially thought over the past year.
The new data comes at a politically consequential moment, as Vice President Kamala Harris tries to ride momentum as Democrats’ new presidential nominee and rewire voters’ perceptions of the Biden administration’s economy.
The White House, and Harris along with it, has struggled to figure out how to convince Americans that despite a widespread and consistent public unease about the US economy, things are actually going quite well and that inflation has been tamed without substantially ruining the labor market.
…the number of foreign-born workers has grown more than the number of native-born workers in recent months, as CNN’s Tami Luhby wrote in June.
The Democrats’ proposed $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is the Left’s ultimate wish-list compiled into one massive tax, borrow, and spend bill.
If passed, this bill will raise your taxes, skyrocket inflation, add well over a trillion dollars to the national debt, and be the largest expansion of the welfare state since LBJ. President Biden dubs this bill as the “Build Back Better Act,” but a more accurate description is the “Bankrupt America Act.”
We’ll lay out for you some of the most extreme provisions in the bill. (Note: the bill’s legislative text is not finalized, and these provisions may change).
Most Americans will feel the hit if the tax provisions in this bill become law. On the campaign trail last year, President Biden promised taxes wouldn’t be raised on people making under $400k. That is a lie. Even Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation, agrees that taxes will go up on families making $50k or more each year.
Here are some of the tax provisions that will directly affect working Americans’ paychecks:
Green New Deal mandates like a methane tax for energy producers, which will raise already increased energy prices (25% over the last year).
Increase the top corporate tax rate from 21% to 26.5%. This rate is higher than the corporate tax rate in communist China, and will reduce wages, eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs, and slow the economy.
Double the federal tobacco tax rate.
Provide $80 billion to the IRS in additional funding to go after hard-working Americans. Worse, Democrats want to use this money to snoop on any bank account with over $600 in it.
Impose a $700,000 fine to companies that refuse to comply with Biden’s vaccine mandate.
As mentioned, this bill is poised to be the largest expansion of the welfare state since LBJ. The Biden administration claims that it is all paid for, but that has been widely debunked.
What’s worse is the topline number for the bill––$3.5 trillion dollars––is not the real cost of the package. Democrats are using a budget trick to get down to this number.
Many of the provisions in the bill expire after a few years, but a future Congress controlled by liberals would likely extend them. The true cost of this bill could end up costing well over $5 trillion.
Here are some of the biggest and most egregious spending items:
Grant amnesty to more than 8 million illegals.
$450 billion for government-run preschools (to indoctrinate kids with CRT at an even earlier age).
$111 billion for ‘free’ community college.
$12 billion to electrify the U.S. Postal Service vehicle fleets.
Expand Medicare benefits, which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicted will cost $358 billion. This puts additional strain on the Medicare program, which is already predicted to become insolvent by 2026.
Billions of dollars for climate research and initiatives, including $3.5 billion for a “Civilian Climate Corps.”
A family and medical leave entitlement run through the Social Security Administration.
Make monthly government payments for children under the age of 18 permanent. These payments have no work requirements and are more akin to a universal basic income, rather than a true tax credit.
In summary, the Democrats’ reckless $3.5 trillion delivers a one-two knockout punch. This will slow the economy, kill jobs, and increase energy prices. Then they will expand the welfare state with unprecedented spending to get more and more Americans dependent on the government.
It’s a horrible recipe for the future of our country and that’s why we need to do everything we can to stop this bill from becoming law.
Key Points
Joe Biden promised he wouldn’t raise taxes on people earning less than $400k––but Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation, agrees that any family making over $50k a year will see tax increases under this bill.
The spending in this bill is not paid for and will likely add over a trillion dollars to the national debt. After a year and a half of unprecedented government spending due to COVID, our country cannot afford trillions more.
This bill will be the largest expansion of the welfare state since LBJ. The Democrats want to make more and more Americans dependent on the federal government, and they want entitlements like the child tax credit which have no work requirement.
This bill imposes Green New Deal taxes and mandates that will raise your monthly gas and electric bill. President Biden wants to punish traditional energy producers and subsidize more costly and inefficient ‘green’ energy. Energy prices for EVERYONE will increase.
Trillions more in government spending will drive up inflation and raise prices for everyday goods––a dollar just won’t go as far. The working class and retirees who are living on a fixed income will be hurt the most.
The Biden-Harris economy continues to fall on its face. Inflation is emptying wallets, the national debt is soaring, and job growth is lagging.
While the Biden-Harris administration bragged about the growth in jobs, Americans were puzzled, wondering why they didn’t feel the benefits of a “growing” economy. Unfortunately, that job growth turned out to be exaggerated by nearly 1,000,000 jobs.
Earlier this week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised its reported job creation numbers, admitting it had overestimated by 818,000 jobs. Month after month, the Biden-Harris administration and their friends in the media bragged about Biden’s booming economy—which turned out to be a sham.
Is this what Harris meant when she said “Bidenomics is working.”? Bidenomics works about as well as a square wheel, and Kamalanomics would be even worse.
Harris has already proposed demonstrably disastrous policies. Last week, she indicated that she’d be in favor of fixing the price of groceries. Price controls have been implemented before in various countries across various industries and they always result in the same thing: Shortages.
As EJ Antoni of the Heritage Foundation explained, “We had gas lines in the 1970s, and now she’s talking not about regulating the price of fuel, but regulating the price of food. So, instead of gas lines, we’re going to have bread lines. This is absolutely insane…”
Harris claims that the rising prices in food is due to corporate greed and price gouging, and not by the inflation caused by excessive federal spending—or the increase in energy costs caused by her “green” energy push.
But that’s not all we have to look forward to if Harris takes office.
What You Need to Know About Crime
Of the 30 cities in the U.S. with the highest homicide rates, 27 of them have Democratic mayors and 14 of them have rogue prosecutors backed by leftist billionaire George Soros.
Currently, nearly 30% of the country lives under a Soros funded prosecutor like an attorney general or district attorney. These prosecutors are actively encouraged to minimize prosecutions and, instead, pursue a more ideological agenda in the name of “equity”—leaving our streets less safe and justice by the wayside.
Case in point, it was the Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg of Manhattan who prosecuted a sham trial against President Trump that wrongly resulted in 34 felony convictions.
A Harris-Walz administration would continue to sow disorder. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was slow to stop the BLM riots that burned the city of Minneapolis where people were assaulted, businesses smashed, and streets considered too dangerous to walk down.
Harris, for her part, supported a bail fund to support violent criminals participating in those same BLM riots.
BLM’s relationship to Marxism: Heritage Action:
The George Floyd protests that have precipitated great changes throughout American society were not spontaneous events. Americans did not suddenly rise up in righteous anger, take to the streets, and demand not just that police departments be defunded, but that all the structures, institutions, and systems of the United States—all supposedly racist—be overhauled.
The 12,000 or so demonstrations and 633 related riots that followed Floyd’s death took organizational muscle. The movement’s grip on institutions from the classroom to the ballpark required ideological commitment. Both were provided by the various Black Lives Matter organizations.
… examines who the BLM leaders are, delving into their backgrounds and exposing their agendas. They are shown to be avowed Marxists who say they want to dismantle our way of life. Along with their fellow activists, they make savvy use of social media to spread their message and organize marches, sit-ins, statue-tumblings, and riots. In 2020 they seized upon the video showing George Floyd’s suffering as a pretext to unleash a nationwide insurgency.
Certainly, no person of good will could object to the proposition that “black lives matter” as much as any other human life. But Americans need to understand how their laudable moral concern is being exploited for purposes that many of them would not approve.
The moment Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, they repealed President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy, preventing law enforcement from processing foreign asylum claims outside of our country.
As “border czar”, Kamala Harris oversaw parts of the border wall being SOLD for pennies on the dollar, exposing miles of the border.
On Kamala’s watch, there have already been more than 10 MILLION illegal border crossings, with most being released into the United States’ interior with a 99% chance of not being deported.
These radically dangerous policies are just the beginning. Kamala Harris has already pledged that if she is elected:
• She will abolish ICE, the agency responsible for deporting illegal immigrants.
• She will give taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal immigrants.
• And she will grant mass citizenship to millions of illegals so they can never be deported.
With Election Day quickly approaching, Democrats and their allies in the media are trying to deceive millions of Americans about Kamala’s record and her agenda.
In nearly six weeks since President Joe Biden exited the race and endorsed the vice president as his successor, Kamala Harris’s campaign has seen a rapid ascent amid a whirlwind of rallies, speeches, and a boisterous Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago last week.
Yet many of those remarks have been relatively light on policy as her website still lacks a clear and definitive platform for voters to reference, with a little more than 60 days left before election day.
Harris’s first sit-down interview on Aug. 29 did not offer any new policy specifics.
But speaking with CNN’s Dana Bash from Savannah, Georgia, Harris defended her shifting policy positions since her 2019 presidential run, including on issues like fracking and border security.
Despite no longer supporting a ban on fracking, nor a decriminalization of border crossings—Harris said, “I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed.”
She said the investments in renewable energy from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act “tells me, from my experience as vice president, we can do it without banning fracking.”
Reminded of the time she raised her hand to support decriminalizing border crossings during a 2019 Democratic primary debate, Harris responded: “I believe there should be consequences. We have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally.”
During a town hall meeting in Wisconsin that aired before the interview, former President Donald Trump expressed skepticism over Harris’ response.
“That’s not her belief. Her belief is open borders,” Trump said.
Bash also asked Harris if she would defend Biden’s economic policy, or “Bidenomics,” to which Harris described the administration’s work to cap insulin prices, extend Trump’s child tax credit, and bring back 800,000 manufacturing jobs.
“I’ll say that that’s good work. There’s more to do, but that’s good work,” Harris said, without using the term Bidenomics.
She acknowledged that “Prices are still too high,” but outlined her economic proposals to tackle “price gouging” and address housing affordability.
Harris also reiterated her military support for Israel and her efforts to reach a cease-fire deal between it and Hamas when asked if she would appeal to progressives who want the United States to withhold weapons shipments to Israel.
“I remain committed … to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution where Israel is secure—and in equal measure—the Palestinians have security and self-determination and dignity,” she said.
The CNN interview comes amid a sharp shift in the Democratic Party’s political rhetoric and messaging since Biden’s exit when his campaign largely cast Trump as a danger to American democracy.
While Harris has not abandoned that message, she has turned to a more upbeat tone on the campaign trail as she tries to slash Trump’s polling leads in key swing states.
Part of that shift in messaging comes from her use of two concepts long associated with politicians on the right: freedom and patriotism.
Not only has Harris used the Beyoncé song “Freedom” as her anthem, but she has also urged voters that fundamental freedoms are at stake in this election.
“On behalf of our children and our grandchildren and all those who sacrificed so dearly for our freedom and liberty, we must be worthy of this moment,” Harris said in her DNC speech.
Trump, criticizing his opponent, told rallygoers in Potterville, Michigan, on Aug. 29 that the election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans, but between “communism” and “freedom.”
Other Republicans, including Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), aren’t buying Harris’ freedom and patriotism slogans, telling The Epoch Times that Democrats are finally joining the rest of the American public. “But I wish it was real,” he said.
“Freedom” and “patriotism” have been hallmarks of Republican campaign messaging, appearing in speeches from before the Reagan era through President George W. Bush.
Reagan, in 1967, called freedom a “fragile thing” that is “never more than one generation away from extinction,” while Bush used the word 13 times in his speech before Congress and the American people nine days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
David Schultz, a political science professor at Hamline University, said Harris was smart to leverage patriotism and freedom.
“It is aimed in part at the centrists. It is a message that also appeals to progressives. It also takes the language away from Republicans. All smart moves,” he told The Epoch Times.
But Lankford is not the only Republican who isn’t convinced, as former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy charged Harris’s rhetorical “vibe” as “based on style over substance” during an Aug. 22 press conference at the Trump Hotel Chicago.
“Many voters are going to demand some level of substance that they haven’t gotten yet,” he said.
Lankford added that amid the companies he sees struggling with regulatory oversight, “[Democrats] may talk about freedom, but what they’re actually doing is centralized government control.”
This week, Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL) introduced the Defining Male and Female Act, which will constitutionally codify the definition of gender as male and female. Representative Miller released the following statement:
“Since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, they have obliterated Title IX, allowing confused and predatory men into women’s sports and restrooms. The Defining Male and Female Act would provide clear legal definitions so that neither the Biden administration nor any future administration can redefine Title IX. We must protect biological women and girls’ safety and opportunities, and I urge the House to act swiftly in passing this bill to recognize the fundamental differences between men and women.”
Heritage Action Statement: Daily Signal:
Miller intended the bill to combat the Biden-Harris administration’s Title IX rule change, which adds “gender identity” to the list of sex-based protections, allowing males to share female spaces and participate in female sports.
“Men and women have distinct biological differences that are obvious to everyone except the Left,” Janae Stracke, vice president of outreach and advocacy at Heritage Action, said in a written statement. “The safety, spaces, and opportunities of women and girls across the country are now under constant threat, thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal rewrite of Title IX and the relentless push to force radical gender ideology in America’s schools.”
Heritage Action Cosponsorship
The definition established in the Defining Male and Female Act is precise and captures the central concept of biological sex—the orientation of male and female bodies for reproduction. It also refers to what happens under normal development while accounting for disorders and accommodating for the fact that organisms have and do different things at different stages of development.
H.R. 1 / S. 1 is Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s signature piece of legislation to rig the election system in favor of Democratic politicians by undermining America’s electoral process. The bill is titled the “For the People Act”, but in reality, it should be called the “Corrupt Politicians Act”.
We need to Save Our Elections! At the federal level, we need to stop the Corrupt Politicians Act from becoming law. And at the state level, it is essential that we strengthen election security laws.
Under H.R. 1 / S. 1, massive amounts of elections-related power would be transferred from the states to the federal government. The bill interferes with the ability of states and their citizens to determine qualifications for voters, to ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, to secure the integrity of elections, to participate in the political process, and to determine the district boundary lines for electing their representatives.
This massive centralization of power into the hands of incumbent lawmakers is D.C. politicians’ way of trying to make sure the game is rigged in their favor. But politicians already in Washington should not be choosing who goes to Washington—voters should!
The end goal of H.R. 1 / S. 1 is clear—to enshrine into law dubious electoral practices that enable and encourage fraudulent behavior, such as ballot harvesting, false voter registrations, duplicate voting, and ineligible voting.
Key Points
H.R. 1 / S. 1 would federalize our election processes, which are currently run by the states.
Helps Liberals in Elections — H.R. 1 / S. 1 is designed to fund, elect, and maintain liberals in Congress, it even allows for using taxpayer dollars to fund candidates.
Removal of Redistricting Power — Under this bill, the power to draw congressional districts would be given to an unelected third-party.
Automatic Registration of Ineligible Voters — H.R. 1 / S. 1 interferes with states’ abilities to determine qualifications for voters and destroys the accuracy of voter registration rolls.
No Accountability for Vote Counting — Destroys the sanctity of the election process and endangers our democracy by requiring ballots to be counted outside the county’s precinct.
Felon Voter Registration — Upon release from prison, felons are automatically allowed to register as voters.
Unchecked Voter Identification — States will be required to register voters on the day of elections and instead of requiring voters to bring ID to the polls, H.R. 1 / S. 1 allows for people to simply “sign a statement” confirming identification. With no buffer-period to verify personal information, this provision could easily lead to voter fraud.
Student loan debt in the United States totals $1.753 trillion; 2023 saw the first-ever annual decline in student loan debt.
The outstanding federal loan balance is $1.620 trillion and accounts for 91.2% of all student loan debt.
42.8 million borrowers have federal student loan debt.
The average federal student loan debt balance is $37,853, while the total average balance (including private loan debt) may be as high as $40,681.
The average public university student borrows $32,362 to attain a bachelor’s degree.
The nixing of $10,000 of debt per borrower — up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients — would cost $298 billion in 2022 and a total of $329 billion by 2031 if the policy is renewed each year, according to a nonpartisan analysis from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Less than 32% of the funding would benefit Americans in the two lowest income quintiles, while 42% would benefit those earning more than $82,400 per year.
[The proposed legislation seeks to circumvent Congressional law and the Constitution in order to pass—also overrides the United States Supreme Court decision.]
[Literally thousands of children have gone missing since migrating into the U.S. Neither ICE nor the FBI have been able to locate them. The supposition is that they have vanished into the world of slave and sex trafficking. Please remember to pray for these children, and if possible, donate to causes seeking their rescue.]
“…financial woes being faced by millions of families in our post-pandemic, inflation-plagued economy. Far too many people are struggling simply to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, despite working long hours or more than one job.
Or what about those who are parenting and finding themselves dealing with any number of challenging issues? Some moms and dads are seeking help and treatment as their kids experience mental health issues, while others…face school-related problems such as peer pressure, bullying, and classroom instruction that flies in the face of their own beliefs. Still other parents are addressing the unique challenges that go along with various disabilities or watching as their sons and daughters walk into a season of rebellion…and rejection of the values by which they were raised.
Then there are the couples who find their marriages hanging on by a thread. Or who are facing the deep pain of infertility, the exhaustion of raising babies and toddlers, or the stress of caring for aging parents…Others wrestle with unwanted same-sex attraction, suffer from abuse by someone close to them, or experience emotional turmoil following an abortion. There is a palpable sense of loneliness and isolation that often accompany each of these situations…Many people are enduring the chronic or even terminal illness themselves or with a loved one, or perhaps even grieving the passing of someone close and dear.
Thankfully, that’s not where the story ends, because we serve a Savior who is well-acquainted with suffering and is ‘near the broken-hearted’. (Psalm 34:18). He empathizes with our grief and pain, promises never to forsake us, and submitted to an agonizing death in order to pay the price for our sin and redeem us for Himself.
Let’s remember, too, that Jesus left his Spirit to guide and comfort us.
See I Peter 4:12-13 and Psalm 22:24-26.
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Wow, a lot of information has been shared here! If you can’t read it all at once, please go back to it as often as you can. Many people either don’t watch the news or don’t have access to it. I strongly encourage you to vote in the election on November 5th. We all need to be informed voters, even if the facts are hard to digest!
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