[MEANINGFUL MOMENTS: Please note that my November newsletter will be delayed until after the election on November 5th so I can choose a title: THANK GOD! or WHAT HAVE WE DONE? 😊]
I’ll define and address wokeism a little further down the post. First, I’ve got to stress the importance of your voting in the upcoming election!
“The future of our nation is on the ballot.” (American Principles Project.)
This blog post will be fact-packed with information for anyone who hasn’t kept up with the news or the current issues, much like last month’s article, with references provided. Please read it carefully because, in this case, ignorance is NOT bliss! As with last month’s long post, if you’re short on time, come back to it or read it in increments.
“The consequences of the Obama presidency are still being felt today…Same-sex marriage as an example. “America is at a crossroads, with the choice for our highest office being a candidate with strong Marxist leanings or one who still respects the Constitution and limited government…It’s hard to believe that the Democratic Party is in favor of allowing children to learn about anal sex in school and get an abortion without parental notification…followers of Christ need to get involved politically—especially by voting—before America becomes completely unrecognizable.” The Stand Magazine, October/2024.
Dual citizenship means having allegiance and obligations to two different countries, and this status carries unique implications. As Christians we have dual citizenship in God’s kingdom and our earthly domain…What does this say about how we should live?… God will judge (our leaders) at the end of history for how well or poorly they rule. (John 19:11.) Reasons to Believe Newsletter, Sept./Oct. 2024.
Pray that God will lead our nation to a place of repentance and spiritual awakening, and that He will frustrate the plans of those who wish evil upon America (Proverbs 28:13, I John 1:9). Seek news providers with sources you can trust. Urge everyone you know to vote on or before November 5th, 2024. Visit ivoterguide.com and become an educated voter.” Tim Wildmon, American Family Association Newsletter, September 18, 2024…
“The term ‘down ballot’ refers to candidates who are farther ‘down’ the ballot. For instance, while it’s common to vote for the president or congressmember at the top of the ballot, who may be running for county commissioner or the local school board, will often get ignored…(that) may not seem to be that big of a deal. But it is…Therefore, by electing individuals for lower level political positions, citizens are often determining what Congress will look like in the future…If the bottom of the ballot is ignored, voters may be paving the way for unqualified or immoral individuals to have power over more of the nation…Taking the time to educate oneself on the candidates who are not in the limelight might seem like an undue burden, but (the AFA) iVoterGuide is working hard to make that process easier.” The Stand Magazine, August, 2024.
“…the November election will be a significant indicator of the fate of our country….YOU CAN STILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE INTEGRITY OF THIS YEAR’S ELECTION (for now and in the future by asking state legislators to pass bills to): Verify the accuracy of voter registration lists, limit absentee ballots, prevent vote harvesting, allow election observers complete access to the election process, prohibit early vote counting, prohibit same-day registration, prohibit automatic voter registration…Our very liberty depends on free and fair elections.” Heritage Action, Ryan Walker Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…it is important to look prayerfully at each candidate and to research each one personally…”
- Obtain a sample ballot from your county elections office.
- Determine where a candidate stands on the issues by doing a general search on the internet and browsing their social media and official websites.
- Be like a bloodhound sniffing out political motivations. Campaign finance information can be found at fec.gov/data.
- Consider the candidate’s voting history on issues. See justfacts.votesmart.org or Ballotpedia.org.
- Look at who endorses this candidate. See iVoterGuide.com.
- Contact the candidate and ask questions.
The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 5, June, 2024.
“Public schools are brainwashing our children to believe their own parents are racist oppressors…Recent headlines: Gender Ideology Invades the Foster Care System (Wall Street Journal); Parents CAN’T Opt K-5 Children Out of LGBTQ Curriculum (Fox News); Achieving Fairness Requires Learning About DEI, CRT (Baltimore Sun) … We’re witnessing an all-out push for transgender groomers exploiting our children in locker rooms, libraries, and doctors’ offices…Future generations are counting on (us) to defeat the radical leftist politicians targeting our children.” American Principles Newsletter, September 20, 2024.
“California governor Gavin Newsom…signed into law a measure that prohibited public schools from telling parents if their children were undergoing gender transitioning…So if Susie wants to become Sammy, public school officials in the Golden State must support Susie’s decision and are banned from telling her parents…when the state becomes the moral arbiter, attacks on individual liberties and freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights increase…Know where your candidates stand!” American Family Newsletter, October, 2024.
“The transgender agenda is…the most insidious and dangerous assault the Left has ever launched against traditional values and beliefs…and will continue to press forward long after the votes have been counted…Examples of how the Left is sowing ‘gender confusion’ among America’s children and attempting to degrade the role of parents:
- Government mandates that biological boys identifying as girls be allowed to participate in girls’ …sports, complete with sharing bathrooms, showers and locker rooms
- …Use of cross-sex hormones and puberty-locking drugs, as well as…potentially permanent disfiguring surgeries being performed on minors
- …Spread of books and other materials in schools…that promote transgender lifestyles and encourage heterosexual and homosexual activity, even among children in elementary school
- Regulations and laws that block parental involvement
…They are playing God and making gender a matter of choice…without the benefit of wisdom that age and experience can impart…The amount of money generated by the drugs and surgeries used to affect ‘transition’ is estimated at $4 billion in 2023 and projected to be $7.8 billion by 2030…Transitioning has now become an INDUSTRY.” Heritage Action for America Newsletter, Ryan Walker, Executive Vice President, September 2024.
“A physically healthy 18-year-old woman (Christina Hineman) walked into PLANNED PARENTHOOD one day after therapists had encouraged her to begin a medicalized ‘gender transition’…She walked out with a prescription for testosterone…and underwent a double mastectomy…and now has permanent scars, vocal chord damage, a numb chest, chronic pain…The number of girls and young women identifying as transgender and seeking medical ‘treatments’ is soaring…A mere six weeks after the surgery, Christina says she realized ‘this should never have happened; pieces of my body are missing’…Christina filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for medical malpractice…She’s part of a growing wave of brave de-transitioners speaking out about the consequences of ‘gender affirming care’…Every day I (Carrie Lukas) hear from young women who feel betrayed, broken, and abandoned by a medical establishment that pushed them to transition…This is an atrocity…that’s affecting the bodies of women (Kelsey Bolar)…People who challenge the current narrative about transgender kids are marginalized or worse (Dr. Miriam Grossman).” Christina: “I don’t want this to happen to other young people like me…I don’t want them to be rushed down this path and to feel like this is the only choice they have to live a good life—it’s not.” Independent Women’s Forum Newsletter, Sept. 13, 2024.
“…Thousands of parents, grandparents, children, and concerned citizens gathered at 360 libraries in 49 states to counter the Left’s radical and ungodly DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR…Pastor John Amanchukwa is a brave warrior fighting critical race theory and pornographic books in schools (cross-dressing Grandpa; graphic nudity; gory violence and domestic abuse)…Your support of BRAVE BOOKS helps reach millions of children, fight back against Hollywood indoctrinators…and counter radical woke messages with lessons in God’s love and America’s greatness.” Letter From the Desk of Kirk Cameron, Sept. 18, 2024.
“Judicial Watch received 25 pages of records regarding drag shows, drag story hours and other PRIDE events for MILITARY PERSONNEL AND THEIR DEPENDENT MINORS, organized and paid for by the U. S. Air Force. ‘How on earth is it appropriate to spend our limited defense dollars on promoting these sexually themed events for children and adults rather than on advancing the military’s mission?’ (Tom Fitton) … SOCIAL MEDIA POST: We’re celebrating PRIDE month with our very first DRAG STORY TIME! Our local Drag King, Sauvage, will be reading some of our favorite stories about what makes each of us special. Story time begins at 10:30! … COMMUNICATION FROM 100TH FORCE SUPPORT SQUADRON: Can you pretty please with a cherry on top please add ‘Drag in front of show…Drag Show 7 PM…The Department of Defense has…proven that radical leftist ideology is more important than military preparedness…taxpayer funds were being used to promote drag shows and radical gender ideology on military bases with full approval from Air Force leadership…our nation’s military is being ruined by woke ideology.” Judicial Watch Newsletter, August, 2024.
“…Angela Reading stated: ‘These posters about sexuality have no place in elementary school hallways…(She) was targeted by a campaign of intimidation and censorship carried out by…local law enforcers…(one of whom) claimed her Facebook post ‘raised security concerns’…her Facebook post was removed…she was forced to resign her seat on the school board…she was reported as a security threat to the Department of Homeland Security…the Facebook administrator felt intimidated and was told this post could cause a school shooting.” Thomas More Society Newsletter, September 11, 2024.
“…If parents aren’t careful they could get locked out of their child’s medical records (because of multiple forms to be signed at registration) …Or worse, their child could end up getting health care—such as contraception, an abortion, or vaccinations—that parents didn’t authorize… ‘My husband is a doctor. If this could happen to me it could happen to anyone,’ warned Gracie Gaspard, a mother from Mississippi… ‘It all started when I took my 12-year-old son to the University of Mississippi Medical Center…I was told I had lost access (to his records) because he turned 12 and they needed to protect his privacy…To provide ‘comprehensive health care services’ to students, the Biden administration is implementing steps to…getting parents out of the way by ‘streamlining’ parental consent…and by ‘streamlining’ enrollment so that as many students as possible, likely including illegal aliens, are covered by government funded health care programs…
“…WHAT CAN PARENTS DO?…Carefully review medical consent forms sent home from school; Watch for buzzwords such as FERPA (Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act) and Title X; Get elected to your local school board…Parents have a moral and biblical obligation to guide their children, which includes directing their child’s physical and mental health care.” The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, Number 7, August, 2024.
“…As a ‘tween’, Chloe Cole—with the help of many trusted medical professionals—chose to transition into a boy, socially and medically…After four years of identifying with the opposite sex, Cole saw through the facade, de-transitioned, and now actively fights for the rights of other children disillusioned by transgenderism…Throughout her childhood, Cole had a hard time fitting in. As the tomboyish type it was difficult for her to socialize with her peers—especially women and other girls. Then one day, through social media posts, Cole was introduced to the transgender community and immediately felt a connection…
“…At age 12, Cole began socially transitioning by changing her wardrobe, cutting her hair, and choosing ‘Leo’ as her preferred name…After being convinced by doctors (that Chloe might become suicidal), her parents felt they had no choice than to help their daughter transition medically… ‘I had never expressed any sort of suicidal ideation to my doctors’…At 13, Cole started taking puberty blockers and testosterone…by her sophomore year Cole had undergone a double mastectomy…
“…But less than a year later, Cole regretted her decision; ‘I wanted to have my body back’…So at age 16, Cole started to de-transition…But she and her parents were left helpless and forced to navigate it all on their own… ‘Our own doctors forsake us because they don’t want to look down at the blood on their palms and take accountability’… ‘Politicians…look the other way because they fear what it means to their wallets’…
“…There is no circumstance in which it’s OK to manipulate, to lie, to mutilate or sterilize a perfectly healthy child’…That is why Cole is now an outspoken activist against transgenderism…While de-transitioning, Cole found herself searching for something that would fill the hole in her life…For so long, her search for her gender identity had become her religion…Now, she finds her identity in Christ… The following video resources expose the shocking realities of transgenderism and are available at stream.afa.net: Affirming Transgenderism: Harmful to All Children; Preparing Your Children for the Transgender Revolution; In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality.” The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, Number 7, August, 2024.
“If Walt Disney were alive today he would be appalled at the bundling agreement between Disney and HBO that makes Snow White and adults-only entertainment available via the same platform!…It is part of a dark agenda to redefine what is decent, moral, and acceptable…this erosion of morality has already occurred when it comes to profanity…Today, grade-schoolers are not only exposed to profanity but also freely use it…even the F-word is not off limits…Hollywood is ultimately out to blur the lines between what is considered adults-only programming and what is family fare…even if it means destroying the innocence of America’s children in the process…
“…The vilest images imaginable can now be found on the same platform as lovable cartoon characters…Parental controls are often ineffective…
“…The proliferation of tablets and smartphones makes harmful content available to teens and children 24/7…According to recent survey data: 42% of kids have a phone by age 10; 97% use their phone during school hours; 60% use their phones after midnight…accessing inappropriate material when (parents are) not around…
“…What’s the solution?… Hold Disney and HBO accountable…At no time in our nation’s history have young people suffered more anxiety, depression, self-doubt, and mental illness…According to the Child Welfare League of America, suicide is a major cause of death among 5 to 11-year-olds…I (Jon Yasuda) think that the ‘entertainment’ children are exposed to is a contributing factor.” Parents Television and Media Council Newsletter, August 5, 2024, Jon Yasuda, President.
“…Bill Clinton issued the first official declaration of Pride Month in 1999…followed by the June 2015 Supreme Court decision requiring states to license marriage for same-sex couples…Our children are bombarded daily with all kinds of cultural messages that are not only contrary to…our Christian faith but are downright dangerous…Messages glamorizing alcohol find teens who experience brain alteration, drinking related injury, physical and sexual assault, and even death…
“…Savvy marketing messages encourage children to vape and use other nicotine products despite damaged brain development, nicotine toxicity, addiction, lung disease, cancer, and death…
“…The way to influence your child’s worldview is to start by viewing the world as they see it and be a trusted guide-on-the-side to navigate cultural chaos. Here are three steps to get started: 1. Pray earnestly…we must rely on God’s wisdom to guide us. 2. Cultivate curiosity…listen and ask questions so you can advise them at their exact point of need at the moment they need guidance. 3. Speak the truth in love…create firm boundaries and clear expectations with an open door to a safe space with you in an unsafe world (Dr. Jessica Peck, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, The Doctor Nurse Mama Show). The Stand Magazine, June, 2024.
“…7.6% of U.S. adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or some other sexual orientation…The growth is tied to Gen Z’ers and millennials…Gallup explained that each younger generation is about twice as likely as the previous generation to identify as LGBTQ.” The Stand Magazine, June, 2024.
“…Abortion is one of the pinnacle sins of our society…it’s going to bring destruction on our nation…Abortion has nothing to do with reproduction…We are a nation that has forsaken right for wrong and good for evil…We don’t see ourselves as that little baby getting his arms and legs ripped off…” (Pro-Lifer Coleman Boyd who was arrested during a peaceful protest). The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 5, June, 2024.
“…From the moment of conception until a person’s last breath, every life is sacred because we are all made in the image of God. Yet there is a battle raging in our world over life itself. Some people fight for the right to murder unborn babies, while others devalue the lives of the disabled and elderly. As Christians, it is our duty to speak up for the weak and vulnerable…It is time to put our faith into action, step out of the shadows, and fight for life.” (Scott Klusendorf). The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 9, October, 2024.
“…Planned Parenthood parked its mobile killing center…right outside the Democratic National Convention and advertised free abortions and vasectomies…some 25 babies were reportedly killed in that van by pills its staffers…touted in the guise of health care…
“…While Kamala Harris pressed the cause of late-term abortion extremism at the DNC, her Biden-Harris federal prosecutors convicted more peaceful pro-lifers on Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) charges, reinforced by conspiracy charges under the 19th century Anti-Ku Klux Klan Act, ratcheting… penalties up to potential sentences of 10 years or more…
“…The defendants included Chet Gallegher, a former police officer, and six others, including Eva Edl, an 89-year-old concentration camp survivor…Chet was a motorcycle cop when he was directed to arrest 100 pro-lifers who were conducting a peaceful sit-in…Chet sat down and joined them…He was arrested and lost his pension…The DOJ prosecutors want to lock up Chet and his co-defendants for over 10 years on the FACE Act and felony Anti-KKK conspiracy charges.
…The use of the Anti-KKK Act is fatally flawed…the FACE Act is a weaponized strategy…It’s a David vs. Goliath struggle…
…In New York we’re fighting tooth and nail to halt Attorney General Leticia James’ witch-hunt against our…pro-life pregnancy centers…and hold her accountable for her…unconstitutional attempts to silence our clients…with their bullying tactics and lies…
“…In Nebraska, proponents of the abortion ballot initiative claim that it would legalize all abortions before fetal viability—but that’s not true…” Thomas More Society Newsletter, September 11, 2024.
“…Abortion drug Mifeprex (Mifepristone), formerly known as RU-486: Judicial Watch has uncovered at least six Mifeprix-related deaths between 2000 and 2002…The FDA overlooked important safety risks…and failed to address several important concerns about whether the drug would be safe for the women who use it…
“…Extremist abortion politics in the Clinton, Obama, and now Biden administration are putting pregnant mothers at risk. Make no mistake, this is a dangerous drug.” The Verdict Newsletter, July 2024, Volume 30/Issue 7, Judicial Watch.
“…Courage means the willingness to stand up for what is right even when others will not…With the Left insisting that everyone bends a knee to the radical gender ideology or face the consequences, many people choose to stay silent and submit…Rita Cummings decided she would not stay silent…She learned that a boy who identifies as a girl was slated to compete against her in the girl’s category…Rita recognized how unfair the competition would be and knew she could not endorse such nonsense, even implicitly, by competing. So Rita withdrew only 24 hours before the race…
“…Unfortunately, Rita’s coaches did not share her courage…Neither did her female classmates, many of whom agreed with her stance but chose to participate anyway…
“…The male runner went on to place fourth out of 200 athletes and continues to compete against female athletes to this day…The Riley Gaines Center Ambassadors are all women who have faced bias and abuse from the Left’s radical gender ideology. The Leadership Institute Newsletter, September 26, 2024.
“It was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. I had just given a speech when agitators stormed the room. A man wearing a woman’s dress punched me in the face. Then I spent three hours barricaded in a classroom while leftist college students just outside the door yelled the most obscene things at me…
“…All because I said things like: ‘Men are men, and men are not women; there are only two sexes; men have no business being in women’s locker rooms and playing in women’s sports…Today, saying such truths is enough to get you canceled, fired, and now even physically attacked’…
“…I’m Riley Gaines, a recent collegiate athlete who spoke up because a man named ‘Lia’ Thomas declared himself a woman and stole top spots from me and my fellow female athletes…
“The harrowing experience I described really happened to me at San Francisco State University…Hordes of leftist student agitators stormed the building. They didn’t want dialogue…no debate, no discussion. They’ve thrown out logic and reason. The woke leftist professors and administrators…have taught and encouraged this rejection…
“Tucker Carlson…said: ‘This is the most dangerous and extremist group…it’s getting bigger…the White House has endorsed it.’ …Emboldened by woke academics and politicians, leftist youth call conservatives ‘racist, sexist, transphobic’, make obscene gestures and yell the most vulgar and profane things…They are out for blood…
“…They have an agenda, often openly pushing transgender ideology, critical race theory, Marxism, and other dangerous and delusional ideas…When they want you silent, speak louder…When the Left tries to shout you down profanely, when they viciously attack you, that’s when you know you’re saying the right things…Our country will not survive if the Left steals the future away from the next generation.” Riley Gaines, Protecting Women’s Sports, Fighting Radical Ideology Newsletter, September, 2024.
Left, male competitor, winner; Right, Riley Gaines, female competitor
“…I was an elite college swimmer when a 23-year-old man walked into my locker room, stripped off his clothes, and exposed himself to our entire team. He wasn’t arrested for indecent exposure. He wasn’t thrown out of the building. Instead, this 6-foot-4 man…was praised by the NCAA…and then handed him the medal I had earned.
“…Girls and young women are under assault when: A 50-year-old man who ‘identifies’ as a 13-year-old female can compete against, and shower with, teenage girls; a 16-year-old male wearing a woman’s swimsuit can sit in a changing room and watch girls undress; and female athletes who train their whole lives have no chance of winning against physically dominant young men pretending to be girls…
“…Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are re-writing the rules to force girls in your state to share the playing field, and the locker room, with bigger, stronger male athletes. It’s sick, it’s dangerous, it denies the obvious truth of biology…
“…President Trump said ‘The radical Left invented this madness’…
“…The results are shocking: A boy in Maine was just named ‘Fastest Sophomore Girl’ after beating his closest female competitor by 90 seconds; a male who claims he’s a female knocked a girl’s teeth out when he struck her in the face during an ‘all girls’ field hockey match in Massachusetts…the girl ran from the field screaming in pain; in North Carolina a high-school-aged male spiked a volleyball so hard that he knocked the girl on the other side of the net unconscious…that girl is still suffering from severe head and neck injuries…
“…Our culture is under attack. Radical gender activists are weaponizing normal teenage anxiety…Transgender extremists are preaching that children don’t belong to their parents—they belong to the government; Doctors who took an oath to ‘do no harm’ are carving up the emotions, hormones and the bodies of our sons and daughters…
“…Defending girls’ rights is not anti-anyone. Believing in biology is not bigoted…following the science that there are only two sexes is not hateful—it’s fact…Every day the rights of young women and girls are being violated by the extremist transgender industry. The Biden-Harris administration is complicit in injuring female athletes.” American Principles Project Newsletter, August, 2024.
“… Biden’s latest regulation directly attacks women’s sports by requiring schools to allow males who self-identify as female to compete…This is a false standard that puts girls on defense…creates an almost unclearable hurdle…tips the scales in favor of male athletes who identify as women…it destroys fairness, erases their (women’s) spaces, threatens their safety, and eliminates their opportunities…
“…Male athletes, who possess immutable physical advantages over females, will often be able to outperform female athletes, resulting in females losing spots on teams and losing scholarship opportunities…Males (have) greater lung capacity, higher bone density, and greater muscle mass.” HeritageAction.com.
“Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to be used as slang for a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights. Woke has also been used as shorthand for some ideas of the American Left involving identity politics and social justice, such as white privilege and reparations for slavery in the United States.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chicago_Manual_of_Style.
“…We must stand up, speak out, and resist the Left’s ‘woke’ madness that’s leading America into a Marxist nightmare. American Family Association Newsletter, October, 2024.
“…Instructing children to question their own gender and biology at young and developing ages is a radical new experiment in social engineering. It’s part of a political agenda that is being pushed by woke activists and is completely untethered from actual science…
“…For the radical Left, encouraging young children to question their sexual identity is not a stand-alone issue, but part of a larger effort to dismantle American culture and replace it with Marxist ideologies…It’s why Marxist organizations like Black Lives Matter Inc. publicly reject the nuclear family alongside its push to defund the police… (They are failed ideas.)…
“…Consistently, the Left’s woke activists are wrong and destroy everything they touch…Their policies have brought crime rates in our cities to record highs…HeritageAction.com,
“…Given the woke virus infecting West Point, deleting the words ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ from its mission statement has sparked justified concern about what the Army’s rising leadership is being taught at the United States Military Academy.” The Verdict Newsletter, Judicial Watch, Volume 30/Issue 9, September, 2024.
“…The world is on fire and we’re facing a national security crisis of epic proportions…is under attack by the liberal woke agenda…Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are more focused on making sure our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines are using the right ‘gender pronouns’ than preparing them to defeat hostile nations like Communist China and Iran…” Mike Waltz, first U.S. Army Special Forces ‘Green Beret’ elected to Congress, Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…The radical woke mob marches through Washington demanding passage of their extreme agenda…Their goal is to undo the moral framework that has kept this country together for centuries and make it in their own radical image…Every time I step foot in the U.S. Capitol, I find more and more Republicans…are coming out in favor of the Woke Ideology…Even many so-called conservative politicians have signaled a willingness to negotiate and compromise with the Radical Woke Mob…
“…If you’re willing and ready to fight (here) is what’s at stake: Forced indoctrination of our kids; Sterilization and mutilation of children; Persecution of Christian business owners; Government-sanctioned privileges for politically connected Leftists…
“…The Radical Woke Mob and the Mainstream Media boast that you have given up on Traditional Values…and that you support everything from experimenting on children to believing gender is a ‘social construct’…That’s why you and I must make Congress understand that these are bold-faced lies and that pro-Family Americans across the nation are ready to stand up for Family Values.” Hon. Eugene Delgaudio, President, Public Advocate of the United States, Newsletter, September 2024.
“…Wokeism is a cancer that’s going to eat our country inside out and kill us if we don’t do something about it…Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation that prohibited classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade; required transparency in educational materials; prevented critical race theory indoctrination…
“…The conflict today is not simply a normal policy argument between conservatives and progressives. It is over the future of the historic American nation, both its creed and its culture…The principle function of modern liberalism is to facilitate the suicide of Western Civilization…
“…In his campaign against woke progressivism in Florida, Gov. DeSantis is perhaps best known for his conflict with the Walt Disney corporation…In 1967, the Florida legislature passed a law that gave the Disney Corporation its own autonomous local government… (at that time) Disney was a stalwart promoter of popular middle-class American patriotism…But by the 2020s it had become an active supporter of the woke revolution.” John Fonte, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for American Common Culture at the Hudson Institute, Imprimus Newsletter, Volume 53, Number 6/7, June/July, 2024.
“One year ago, October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists unleashed shocking and sadistic attacks on the nation of Israel, America’s long-standing ally—our only ally in the Middle East…Homes were destroyed, innocent civilians were taken hostage, and more Jews were murdered (men, women, children, and babies) than on any one day since the Holocaust) …
“…In the year since: the Biden-Harris administration has continued to criticize the Jewish state to placate its liberal Left base; their appeasement of Iran has enabled and empowered the Iranian regime; the B-H administration’s weakness has forced Israel to shoulder the burden…
“…Vice-President Kamala Harris skipped Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent address to Congress in order to speak at a sorority event, a stinging slap across the face of our ally in its greatest hour of need…
“Jewish students, professors, and Christians who support Israel face vicious discrimination here at home in an attempt to delegitimize the State of Israel…This is diplomatic terrorism and so far Biden and Harris have refused to do anything about it…It is abandoning our ally while Israel’s enemies murder hostages, fire rockets at civilians, and call for Israel to be wiped off the map…Israel is in a fight for its very existence…
“…No nation, no leader, should be prevented from or condemned for protecting its citizens from violent terrorist attacks…
“…Scripture makes clear: God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse it.” Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director, American Center for Law and Justice Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…A Generation Lab poll found that two-thirds polled identified antisemitism as a definite problem on their college campuses… ‘No students should have to hide their symbols of their faith or ancestry for fear of harassment or violence,’ wrote Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. ‘We take these reports very seriously and will investigate discrimination aggressively.’” The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 7, August, 2024.
“…Jewish students…returning to campus for the new academic year are scared…protesters are vowing to return (to campuses) even stronger than before…A recent Columbia University graduate watched the atmosphere on his campus become more and more volatile after October 7, 2023…(Another student) knows of professors offering extra credit for students that are attending rallies calling for Jewish genocide…Jewish students should never, ever worry about living freely as Jews…” Betty Ehrenberg, Executive Director, World Jewish Congress, North America, Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…First they campaigned on open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. Then millions of people from all over the world funneled through the border and into our communities nation-wide. Now Kamala’s border policies are quickly plummeting our country into the biggest humanitarian crisis we’ve ever seen as fentanyl flows into our towns and human traffickers operate freely…
“…Over 325,000 innocent children have already been lost…Instead of watching over these children or sending them back to their families, Kamala Harris has handed them off to child traffickers without a care in the world…Unless we take back our border and ramp up deportations immediately, things are only going to get much, much worse.” Mayra Flores, Congresswoman, Newsletter: Missing 300,000+ Children, September 27, 2024.
“Sextortion occurs when a person intentionally threatens to release, exhibit, or distribute a private image of another person to compel or make the victim do something they do not want to, with the intent to obtain an additional private image or something else of value, such as money.’ (SuperTalk Mississippi).
“…A Mississippi teen…took his own life after being sexually extorted by online predators (for this story see The Stand, 4/24.)
“…Human trafficking of minors is one of the most heinous and heart-wrenching crimes…And because the most defenseless among us are the victims, those found guilty should face the harshest penalties (AL Gov. Kay Ivey). The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 7, August, 2024.
“…From the moment he took office, Joe Biden chose to play partisan political games based on his unrelenting hate for Donald Trump and his supporters…jeopardizing the safety of our troops and the security of our nation…Last year alone Biden’s Dept. of Defense wasted nearly 90 million dollars on hyper-radicalized Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, a number they’re hoping to increase greatly this year…
“…DEI training that pushes Critical Race Theory is teaching our military to see soldiers through the lens of race rather than achievement…these programs sow division, weaken unit cohesion, and destroy the very fabric of our armed forces…
“…When the Biden administration mandated COVID vaccines for the military, they forced out over 8,000 highly skilled soldiers…and has done nothing to recruit them back…The woke DEI programs and mandates of the Biden-Harris administration have disenfranchised our brave soldiers, hurt recruitment, and put America at risk…
“…From Communist China to Russia, from Afghanistan to our own southern border, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have caused more global destruction than any other presidential administration in modern history!…Our weakened military won’t be ready to defend our borders, our people, or our national security interests…
“…Under the Biden-Harris Regime, the Pentagon has diverted its focus from lethality to push initiatives that politicize our warfighting ranks and harm our military readiness—all while we face the biggest number of threats since WWII.” Mike Waltz, U.S. Congressman, Special Forces Green Beret, Newsletter September, 2024.
“…Maintaining a strong military is one of the president’s most important responsibilities…Yet under Biden and Harris our armed forces have been turned into a left-wing social experiment with deadly consequences…
“…The men and women who died at Abbey Gate (Afghanistan) deserved far better than our current leadership…The only goal of our military policy should be ensuring it is the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world…It’s time for Democrats and their allies to give up this left-wing culture war and get back to that commonsense mission.” American Principles Project Newsletter, Aug. 26, 2024.
“…everything has changed. The same army that handed me a rifle and sent me to fight extremists now calls me one. And what is it that make me a radical? Simply calling out the leadership of our armed forces for abandoning their commitment to meritocracy, accountability, and excellence…As a result, what was once an elite, lethal fighting force has become a social experiment for the Radical Left…and it’s going to lead to very bad things…
“…The same Radicals who have taken over the Pentagon have now taken over much of our government—and they’ve used that power to open our borders, abandon our allies, cater to our enemies, and entangle us in war and chaos around the world…” Pete Hegseth, Author, Speaker, Army veteran of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay, earning two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantryman’s Badge: Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…In July 2023 Judicial Watch exposed records from the United States Air Force Academy…which included instructional materials and emails that address topics such as Critical Race Theory, ‘white privilege’ and Black Lives Matter…records showed the USAFA has made race and gender instruction a top priority in the training of cadets.” Judicial Watch Newsletter, Vol. 30/Issue 8, August, 2024.
“…Don’t believe the fake media’s lies…Astrophysicists, atmospheric physicists, geophysicists, climate scientists, meteorologists, and other leading experts from around the world have come together to share a simple message: The climate change movement is not about saving the environment. It is about control.” Alex Newman, The Liberty Sentinel Newsletter, August 18, 2024.
“…I am a meteorologist and climate scientist. I completely reject the Doomsday climate scenarios we constantly hear about in the mainstream media…I am convinced the ‘climate change warriors’ … are much more motivated by ideology than by science…the consensus on climate change is worthless…
“…There is a considerable element of groupthink, herd mentality, peer pressure, political pressure…I see how it’s used to silence dissenting voices in places where freedom of speech is supposed to be treasured…
“…The Left is going all out to use the issues of the environment and global warming to lasso young people into embracing a radical worldview…
“…Quote from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Carter (AOC), a 29-year-old former bartender: ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change…!’
“…Young people today are being manipulated…indoctrinated…played as pawns in a long chess game that radical environmentalists and Green socialists are determined to win…The climate change crowd (has) to cherry-pick their data and completely ignore the U.S. and U.K. satellite data…
“…I believe the radical climate-change agenda will do enormous damage to the people of our nation and our planet—much more than any harm that may come from slight changes in our climate.” (Click for more information about Climate Change). Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D., Principle Research Scientist, University of Alabama, Huntsville, Newsletter, August 30, 2024.
“…During the presidential debate with former President Donald Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris turned the moderators’ question about climate change into a discussion about housing insurance costs…and stated that ‘her values had not changed’…
“…Her values have included being an original sponsor of AOC’s Green New Deal…supporting gas-powered car bans, gas stove bans, looking at climate change as one of the ‘root causes’ of illegal immigration, and meat restrictions (due to) agricultural methane emissions…
“…The only Harris climate ‘values’ that seem to matter are ‘strategic ambiguity’—otherwise known as deception…” (A Democratic party leader has declared that after the election Kamala will be free to return to her original ideas regarding climate change). Marc Morano, CFACT.org Newsletter, September 13, 2024.
“CRT holds to the idea that:
- There is no absolute truth—only competing narratives. It sees “lived experiences” as mattering more than facts.
- Individuals are either an oppressor or victim. You are predetermined by immutable characteristics such as race to fall into either category. Culture is defined by groups exercising power over each other.
- America is systemically racist and must be dismantled. It sees America as having been founded on the system of capitalism, which is racist, and therefore must be disrupted.
When followed to its logical conclusion, CRT is destructive and rejects the fundamental ideas on which our constitutional republic is based. Applying the philosophy would violate a multitude of American civil rights laws by treating people differently according to race. It should not be elevated in American classrooms.
How to Stop CRT in your School District
Transparency is an important tool to holding government accountable—shining a spotlight on CRT curriculum is an effective way to stop it:
1. Submit a FOIA request to be given access to the debate and decision-making process of your elected officials. If requested, the government is required to hand over the records via “Open records laws’ and “Sunshine laws.” Learn more about how to submit an open records request here.
2. Call your Federal Legislators and ask them to support Congressman Chip Roy’s bill, the “Combatting Racist Teaching in Schools Act” (H.R. 3163). Roy’s bill would prohibit federal funds from going to any elementary, secondary school, or college that promotes race-based ideologies.
An additional bill worth supporting is Senator Tom Cotton’s and Congressman Dan Bishop’s bill to keep CRT curriculum out of the military. Members of Congress should support the “Combatting Racist Training in the Military Act of 2021” (S. 968 / H.R. 3134).
SOURCE: https://heritageaction.com/toolkit/rejectcrt
“…The mainstream media is holding nothing back in their campaign to paint Vice President Kamala Harris in the best light possible. Harris, who was rated by GovTrack as the ‘most liberal’ U.S. Senator…has serious ties to communists, and her past must be investigated…
“…Journalist Paul Ingrassia and author Trevor Loudon joined Alex Newman to expose the true radical nature of Kamala Harris and her connections to Marxist networks…” Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel, August, 2024.
“…While many in the Democratic Party’s middle believe Harris has moved…closer to the center…she also carries a long record of positions from her Senate stint and presidential bid: banning private health insurance and overseeing a single-payer healthcare program; hiking pay for public school teachers…by increasing the estate tax; a tough assault weapons ban; and restoring the federal guarantees of abortion in Roe vs. Wade…
“…Dave McCormick has released a video highlighting the vice-president’s statements in support of decriminalizing border crossings, sanctuary cities, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and ending funding for a border wall…” Newsmax Magazine, September, 2024.
“…Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and their team of radical socialists made two…decisions that both directly harm America’s national security and takes money from you…First, they refused to stop a pipeline from Russia to Germany…Second, they cancelled the Keystone Pipeline in America, despite the fact that the Keystone Pipeline is vital to American energy and national security…
“…Harris and Biden are afraid to stand up to the Russians, and they are on the side of the Green New Deal socialists like AOC (who) want to destroy America’s energy industry…the Green New Deal socialists would drastically increase gasoline and electricity prices in America…
“…QUOTE FROM MIKE POMPEO, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: ‘What America needs is affordable, abundant energy and the jobs that the Keystone XL oil pipeline would create…Barak Obama and his socialist allies did everything in their power to destroy the Keystone Pipeline and enact their radical Green agenda…” Thomas Pyle, President, American Energy Alliance Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…Biden and Harris support the PRO Act, which would: Eliminate all Right to Work laws; Rig labor rules to riddle the country with strikes; Expose workers to union violence by ending the secret ballot for union organizing elections…Over 80% of Americans oppose this madness…Those of us who believe in individual liberty must fight back…” Mark Mix, President, National Right to Work Committee Brochure, September, 2024.
“…This platform contains support for numerous transgender-related policies which would have wide-ranging impacts across American Society. Some examples:
- Support for so-called gender-affirming care (drugs and surgeries)
- Support for Biden’s illegal Title IX rewrite, which will force schools to allow boys into girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and other private spaces, as well as enable boys to compete in girls’ sports
- Opposition to parent-led efforts to remove sexually explicit content from school libraries
- Support for Biden’s foster care rule, which threatens to remove children from their foster parents who decline to ‘affirm’ their transgender identities
- Support for so-called ‘conversion’ therapy bans, which make it illegal for therapists to help distressed children feel comfortable in their own bodies
- Support for the so-called Equity Act, which would cement many of the above policies into federal civil rights laws…
“…This party…is putting forward the most anti-family ticket in history…This is the real Harris-Walz agenda, and they have now put it in writing for everyone to see…American Principles Project Newsletter, August 19, 2024.
“…In March, 2024, a Republican-led House subcommittee investigation warned that the federal government had been ‘engaging in broad financial surveillance and prying into the private transactions of American consumers…One of the findings of the subcommittee was that the federal government had sent a report to major U.S. banks recommending that banks close accounts for ‘hate groups’…The definition of ‘hate’ or ‘hate groups’ included anyone who publicly opposes the work of sexual deviants and radical gender activists…It’s not only Christian groups…Individuals are also potential victims of this frightening display of federal power…
“…The subcommittee…also discovered that the federal government had asked U.S. banks to track ordinary citizens’ transactions based on certain suspicious words…Rep. Jim Jordan said on social media: ‘We now know the federal government flagged terms like MAGA and TRUMP to financial institutions…What was also flagged,,,if you bought a religious book, like a BIBLE…
“…The (progressives) view those who might purchase a Bible as a potential threat to the republic! …You may also recall the harrowing stories of humble, pro-life Christians who experienced…early-morning FBI raids involving heavily-armed agents—weapons drawn—followed by arrests…
“…More and more people are waking up to what’s going on and are starting to get fighting-mad…In the video, When Your Faith is Illegal, Dr. Frank Harber…illustrates the parallels between modern-day America and the biblical account of Daniel in the lions’ den…and demonstrates the importance of taking a stand in the face of governmental oppression…and standing for truth despite the consequences.” Tim Wildmon, President, American Family Association Newsletter, October, 2024.
“…Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is being attacked for displaying this flag (AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN) that recognizes God’s sovereignty over our nation at his private residence…(Conversely) we are encouraged to fly the PRIDE flag during June…Brainwashed college kids are being called heroes for flying the Palestinian flag of Hamas terrorists…Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib flies the Palestinian flag outside her office in the nation’s Capitol…Justice Alito is just their (Radical Left’s) first target…Don’t let them silence…men and women of faith across the country…Lt. Col. Allen B. West, Honorary Chairman, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…The anti-Christian Left (has) attacked President Trump with: Lawfare (weaponizing the courts against him); Witch hunts (including at least 4 indictments); Conviction of bogus ‘crime’ (and threatening to jail him); An unhinged psychopath attempted to assassinate him) …”
(As of this writing there has been a second assassination attempt.)
“…But it’s not just President Trump who is under attack…The same far-Left extremists have already begun purging conservatives and Christians from our…U.S. military…just for the ‘crime’ of sharing their faith in Christ…That’s why it’s so important to pray for our Christian service members and leaders…
“…I am former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD, who was punished at court-martial for praying ‘in Jesus’ name’ in uniform outside of Chapel by the U.S. Navy in 2006…(Thankfully) 35 pro-family groups and 75 lawmakers petitioned the President to reverse the Navy’s policy targeting Christians…But the same forces that tried to make an example out of me are far from defeated…Not only do the Leftists and their anti-Christian allies have endless cash, they also have the national media in their pockets…
“…Don’t forget to pray for President Trump, our leaders, and all our Christian service members.” Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD., Former State Representative, Former Navy Chaplain and Air Force Major, Graduate of U.S. Air Force Academy, Former College Faculty, Bible and Theology, Founder of ‘Pray in Jesus’ Name Ministries’, Newsletter, September, 2024.
(Notes, President Biden’s speech, The White House, September 1, 2022):
“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. Now, I want to be very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans. But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.” (Joe Biden)
In her book For Love of Country, Tulsi Gabbard makes the following observations:
“…(Democrats) slander and demonize our police officers…
“…The Democrat Elite are harassing, assaulting and targeting everyone who opposes them…They do not respect God or the Constitution…In 2021 Congress passed the U.S.A. Patriot Act, expanding the government’s authority to spy on everyday Americans (including the seizure of bank and phone records) …
“…During COVID the government placed greater value on liquor stores than churches…The lockdown didn’t apply to Black Lives Matter, who burgled and burned without accountability…
“…The Democrat Elite don’t want us to be happy, confident, fearless, etc. ‘because it’s easier to control people who are weak and afraid’… ‘The world is closer to a nuclear holocaust than at any time in our history (due to) the insatiable self-serving desire of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party Elite for power…Hillary Clinton is the queen of warmongers…The Democrats hate Trump because he wasn’t willing to go along with their war plans (among other reasons) …Voters will eventually begin to believe lies that are thrown at them again and again…
“… ‘The Democrat Elite dishonor Rev. Martin Luther King’s dream by tearing us apart (by) racializing everything (CRT), promoting segregation, and fomenting anti-white racism.’
“… ‘Our true identity is that we are all children of God.
“… ‘Women’s sports are not a place for failed athletes’. (Martina Navratilova, retired tennis champion) …In 2012 the Miss Universe pageant changed its rules to allow men to compete…Anyone who dares to call out this insanity (may be) attacked, canceled, or charged with a crime…”
“…In 2020…I was the first person to warn people about Kamala Harris…She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so…She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California…
“…The Daily Wire reported: Tulsi Gabbard single-handedly ended Kamala Harris’ (2020) bid for president…
“…The Democrat Elite had long ago chosen Kamala Harris as their ‘anointed one’ and they were going to do everything they could to prop her up. They are using the same playbook all over again in this election…Kamala Harris is unfit to be our president and would be incredibly dangerous in that position…She is driven only by her own political ambition…She’s a self-serving politician who is uniquely unqualified for office…
“…The way to defeat Kamala Harris is to expose her record: Defunding the police; the border crisis; attacks on people of faith; prosecutorial misconduct…
“…The same people in the deep state running the country with Biden as their figurehead will continue to run things with Kamala Harris as their puppet…Donald Trump poses an existential threat to them because they can’t control him …
“…The Democrat Elite and the mainstream propaganda media are going into overdrive to do everything they can to…create a new false narrative of who Kamala Harris is…Don’t be scared. You and I are called to sound the alarm for those who haven’t heard it yet…
“…If the Democrat Elite didn’t think you and I could change people’s minds they wouldn’t be working so hard to silence us…And a free people courageously speaking the truth is the greatest threat to their power.”
(Tulsi Gabbard is an Army Reserve Officer, a former member of Congress and presidential candidate, author and keynote speaker. From 2013 to 2021 she was vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. She left the Democrat Party in 2022) (From the back cover slip of her book: For Love of Country).
“…On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church in Germany…Little did he know that his act was about to completely reform Christianity on a global scale…Robert Rothwell, senior writer for Ligonier Ministries, wrote in 2021: ‘Today Luther’s legacy lives on in the creeds and confessions of Protestant bodies worldwide…
“…As we consider his importance this Reformation Day, let us equip ourselves to be knowledgeable proclaimers and defenders of biblical truth. May we be eager to preach the gospel of God to the world and thereby spark a new reformation of church and culture.’” The Stand Magazine, October, 2024.
“…The ills afflicting our nation are legion and lethal…surging violence, crime, and chaos…homeless encampments…addiction to strange new drugs that turn victims into twitching zombies, or corpses…collapsing public educational systems that (infect) children with a deep hatred for their own country…sexual perversion and gender confusion…economic struggles…soaring debt…
“…Since the moment (Donald Trump) announced he was running for president on June 16, 2015, he has been the target of the most virulent, widespread, and incessant campaign of verbal violence in our lifetime…
Democrats and liberals…have called Trump a fascist. They’ve compared him to Hitler. They’ve tried to lock him up. They tried to remove his Secret Service protection…President Biden said he wanted to put Trump in the crosshairs…
“…Is our desperate state the result of our own iniquities, or has heaven unleased the power of holy retribution?… The two are inexorably intertwined… (See Isaiah 9:18-21) …The cure for the illness is…national repentance and a return to God…Yet so few Americans seem to care that we are careening toward devastation…”
“…While many of our problems are the result of typical human persistence in idolatry and indifference…there are also people in outright rebellion against the Almighty. The nation is being manipulated by forces intent on our destruction (and) God-haters…That was clear in the aftermath of the violent and destructive protests during the summer of 2020…that followed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis…
“…Equally disturbing were subsequent statements as several high-profile Democrats called for protests to continue: ‘They’re not gonna stop, and they should not.’ (Kamala Harris). ‘I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country.’ (Nancy Pelosi).
“…At the time of these statements the nation had witnessed the melt-down of entire cities; family businesses had been fire-bombed and stores looted. The streets were filled with a chaotic rage.
“…A revolution is underway…Followers of Christ need to get involved politically—especially by voting…” The Stand Magazine, Volume 48. No. 9, October, 2024.
“…There is a biblical charge to restore our country to its godly foundation…using means like voting and exercising our free speech rights to oppose those things that God opposes…
“…Questions: If there is no God, can there be right and wrong? Does the vulgarity in entertainment affect Christians as much as non-Christians? Do Christians have an obligation to vote? Should a Christian vote for a candidate based on the candidate’s stand on moral issues? Is the United States a Christian nation or a secular nation? How does the dominant religion of a country impacts its civic and cultural life?”
“…AFA recently filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s FCC over its…flawed mandate requiring religious employers to answer invasive workforce data questions concerning the race, ethnicity, and gender of each of their employees…
“…A new report…states that eight countries (including the U.S.) allow abortion on demand without any gestational limits at the federal level…
“…In 2019 bridal designer Dominique Galbraith was asked to customize a jumpsuit for a same-sex wedding. As a committed Christian (she) politely declined the request…the same-sex couple sued her (and) won its discrimination suit and fined her $25,000…As of press time, Galbraith had appealed the decision…
“…At Jurupa Valley High School in California, teacher Jessica Tapia was fired over her religious convictions in May, 2023…Tapia’s students found her social media posts on her private social media page in which she was speaking up during Pride Month as well as posting scriptures…
“…Almost a year after her battle for truth began, Tapia was awarded settlement and legal fees…We started the Teachers Don’t Lie campaign in hopes that we can equip teachers with knowledge of their constitutional rights…They need to…remain vigilant and stand firm in their beliefs…”
“…Activate: Biblical Worldview Training is a teaching presentation whose goal is to challenge Christians to act on their knowledge within the culture…’We don’t just want to teach people about important topics…We want to give them practical ways to act and inspire them to go out and actually do something.’ (Wesley Wildmon)…” The Stand Magazine, October, 2024.
“…Before he was elected to Congress, he was a lawyer who fought In the courts for religious freedom and for biblical values…He believes our rights come from God, not government…He supports our national motto, IN GOD WE TRUST…It’s no surprise that the …Left is coming after him with a vengeance…
“…The Leftist news site Daily Beast, compared him to the Taliban; Atheist Bill Maher said seeking God’s guidance was no different than a mass shooter who heard voices in his head; Salon accused him of being a bigger threat to America than Hamas; A Washington Post column painted him as a dangerous monster; a former Biden White House Press Secretary mocked him and his faith on national television; Late night talk show host Stephen Colbert went after Speaker Johnson’s wife, making fun of her for praying for her husband and calling her ‘weird’…
“…The walls are closing in on us…and ramping up their attacks on faith in this country…” Citizens United Foundation, David N. Bossie, President, Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…A Planet Fitness gym in Fairbanks, Alaska, …allowed a biological man to go into spaces designed for women…A gym-goer photographed and reported a man shaving in the women’s locker room…PF canceled (the gym-goer’s) membership…PF faced severe repercussions, including dropped stock prices and canceled memberships… ‘Planet Fitness policies should protect women customers, not put them at risk for sexual attacks,’ (AFA President Tim Wildmon). The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 5, June, 2024.
“…In March, the principal of East Central High Scholl in Indiana asked senior Cameron Blasek to remove the American flag from his truck…The teen respectfully refused, referencing his school handbook which did not mention the flag…Later the principal reversed his decision but prohibited any other offensive banners, promising to address fully the issue in future handbooks.” The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 5, June, 2024.
“…A Hatian pastor, Telemaque Vernet, became a hero to more than 60 children…Since Vernet’s school and church were severely impacted by surging gang violence, Vernet transformed his school into a sanctuary, offering food and shelter to orphans and families who lack the means to escape…He ceased collecting tuition fees, ensuring the school remains a safe haven for local children with no money…He also provides shelter for those without a place to live…Vernet lost his own home to gang violence…” The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 5, June, 2024.
“…Many Americans feel their beliefs conflict with mainstream culture and widespread political ideologies…Nearly all Americans value a president with moral ethics… ‘I urge Americans to stand firm in the shifting sands of our culture and advocate for policies in alignment with our country’s foundational Judeo-Christian principles and heritage,’ (Walker Wildmon). The Stand Magazine, Volume 48, No. 5, June, 2024.
“… ‘It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes’. Joseph Stalin.
“…Today’s radical Left is determined to warp this year’s election in ways that guarantee them a permanent hold on power…Are vastly expanding efforts to use private money to impact the outcome of our elections…
“…Recall how in the controversial 2020 election, state election agencies and unelected judges used COVID as an excuse to…tilt the election playing field in the Left’s direction…
“…In the 2020 election, leftwing billionaires spent billions to influence the election through funding drop-boxes and mail-in voting in blue cities nationwide in a pattern designed to increase the turnout of left-wing voters…” Heritage Action for America Newsletter, Ryan Walker, Executive Vice President, September, 2024.
“…We (Judicial Watch) have been fighting in court to get staff rosters, phone lists, or similar records of any communication between District Attorney Fani Wallis and Special Counsel Jack Smith…We argue that Jack Smith is not above the law…
“…Illegal aliens and noncitizens should not vote in any elections. That Congress allows the votes of citizens to be stolen by illegal aliens in our nation’s capital is inexcusable. (Tom Fitton) … Judicial Watch, Volume 30, Issue 8, August, 2024.
“…Liberals are trying to take over our elections to forever tip the scales in their favor…In 2020, liberals used the coronavirus as a ruse to change election laws and kick the door wide-open for rampant voter fraud, and now they want to make these changes permanent…If they succeed it means:
- Election Day is dead, as a massive unsecure vote-by-mail scheme is implemented in every single state across the country
- Voter ID laws are tossed out, which opens the door for a massive flood of illegal votes
- Washington is put in charge (because) the radical Left would control our election laws—not your state legislature as the Constitution specifies
“…Liberals claim it’s voter suppression to require an ID—even though they have no problems requiring you to show one to board a plane or order wine with dinner…” Citizens United to Stop Voter Fraud Newsletter, September, 2024.
“…Americans don’t trust the validity of mail-in ballots…they don’t trust unchecked voter rolls…they don’t trust the partisan election board leaders…
“…the Left…used the COVID-19 virus to grossly expand absentee ballots, lengthen the time for harvesting ballots and give themselves WEEKS to count votes after election night…They created (false) narratives such as: Supporting voter ID is racist; cleaning up the voter rolls is voter suppression; advocating for in-person voting or paper ballots is dangerous…
“…Without election protections at the federal level, the Far Left will be able to force in a new class of liberal lawmakers who will push dangerous ideas like ‘Medicare for All’, the ‘Green New Deal’, defunding the police, free college, ‘court- packing’, and defending other countries’ borders—but not our own…” Heritage Action for America Newsletter, September 2024.
“…The records provide more disturbing evidence of a conspiracy by federal, state, and private sectors to censor Americans on social media during a presidential campaign…
“…From a mail-in state veteran: The Democrats will wait to know how many votes they have to ‘find’, then they will magically appear…” Judicial Watch Magazine, Volume 30/Issue 9, September, 2024.
“…The same… globalist organizations involved in the Covid-19 injections and the…global tyranny imposed under the guise of fighting the virus are preparing for a potentially catastrophic H5N1 Avian influenza ‘bird flu’…Self-styled public health experts warned that new vaccines would have to be developed and deployed within 100 days of an outbreak…
“…The U.S. government is already funneling taxpayer funds to Moderna and other Big Pharma interests under the guise of preparing a bird flu vaccine…
“…’The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)’s business plan says there is to be a series of pandemics and there will be only one countermeasure response—mass vaccination,’ explained Dr. Peter A. McCullough, one of the first doctors to sound the alarm about the suppression of legitimate early COVID treatments, as well as the now-obvious problems with the ‘vaccine’…
“…CEPI is essentially a vaccine incubator fully syndicated in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex which has positioned itself for massive investments and profits with the COVID-19 pandemic being a template’…
“…Dr. Peter Breggin, psychiatrist and author, said: ‘This is just catastrophic…They got more than they ever could have imagined with COVID. They can’t wait to hammer us again…”
“…CEPI’s goal was to forge partnerships between governments, the business sector, and phony tax-exempt ‘philanthropies’ to develop and push vaccines for future pandemics…Dissenters are then marginalized, demonized, censored, and in some cases, attacked…” Liberty Sentinel Newsletter, August 14, 2024.
“…The list of offensive content (Disney) is extensive and expanding—animated films like Lightyear, Toy Story 4, and Onward, as well as live-action films like Beauty and the Beast and Cruella. These all peddle LGBTQ-friendly content to children…
“…Actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who did one of the voiceovers (said): ‘The idea of having a queer kid and just it being normalized’ was ‘just such a beautiful thing’…
“…(Disney) will be pushing ‘for more queer lead characters’… Executives believe there is success to be had in being woke… (However) recent history (shows) that Disney had four film flops in 2023 that cost the company nearly a billion dollars…
“…It’s hard to believe that Disney had to learn the hard way, but such is the nature of the go-woke gamble. Moreover, it is probably a safe bet to assume that (its) promise to quiet down the company’s left-wing activism is merely wishing upon a star…
“…There is little hope that Disney could reverse course on its promotion of LGBTQ ideology without igniting a rebellion in its own creative ranks…” The Stand Magazine, June, 2024.
“Pure corruption…I, (Tom Fitton) immediately denounced the absurd New York guilty verdict and Soviet-style criminal proceeding that so abused President Trump. What happened to Trump on May 30 in that New York courtroom is criminal…The verdict is no surprise, considering the rigged kangaroo court proceedings were run by a biased, conflicted judge and an unethical, politicized Democratic Party prosecution team…
“…You can expect that the government abuses targeting Trump will not stop and will only increase…” Judicial Watch Newsletter, Volume 30/Issue 8, Aug., 2024.
“…Recent whistleblower allegations revealed new, additional evidence that Dr. Morens (senior advisor to Dr. Anthony Fauci) intentionally used his personal email to hide conversations about the origins of COVID-19 and subvert federal transparency laws…
“…JW uncovered Health and Human Services records regarding data Moderna submitted to the FDA (that)…a significant number of rats were born with skeletal malformations…(and) records detailing internal discussions about myocarditis and the COVID vaccine (and) records detailing the extensive media plans for a Biden administration propaganda campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine (and) records showing how a key component of the vaccines was found outside the injection site, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen, and ovaries of test animals…
“…The government emails also reported that the foundation of U.S. billionaire Bill Gates worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chinese -produced medications to be sold outside China…” Judicial Watch Newsletter, Volume 30/Issue 8, August, 2024. For more information on this topic, CLICK HERE.
“…You already know that law enforcement is a truly unique occupation, due to the nature of the job and the challenging people and situations officers encounter on a daily basis. The job of law enforcement is not what you see on TV and the movies. At times it is tedious and mundane; at other times it is dangerous, emotional, and more terrifying than anything most people have ever experienced…
“…But it’s all part of the job, and it’s why the law enforcement community needs to keep pushing for more knowledge, training, and experience…
“…The recent assassination attempt(s) against a presidential candidate proves just how quickly angry words and a hateful worldview can turn to violence…
“…This type of hatred turned deadly is all too familiar for law enforcement officers first vilified by the media and elected officials, then ambushed, attacked, and even killed by violent criminals…
“…The voices and violence raised against law enforcement officers are loud—so ours must be too! … The United States Deputy Sheriff’s Association and its programs are made possible by the generosity of citizens and businesses that are concerned for the safety and security of America’s Law Enforcement Officers.” USDSA Newsletter, Volume 62, September, 2024. WE BACK THE BLUE.
“It’s been a summer. A debate that changed everything. An assassination attempt on President Trump that the media has all but erased from the national news. (As of this writing there has been another attempt.) The installation of a candidate who never received a single vote from a U.S. citizen…
“..And now an orchestrated propaganda campaign from the Democrat party and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media is in full effect trying to seal the deal…
“…Hillary Clinton has been saying for years that it ‘takes a village’…It makes my skin crawl every time I think about what it would be like living in Hillary’s ‘village’…
“…No one could have predicted the events of this past summer—you couldn’t have written a crazier script…We need you more than ever to stop the Democrats from getting away with the biggest ‘bait and switch’ in history—and the one that could be the death-blow to our nation. God bless you, and in prayer for our nation.” Governor Mike Huckabee Newsletter, September 18, 2024.
“…AFA wants to bring to light the dangers of an online trend called BookTok. Because of BookTok some young people are now being encouraged to read books containing content that could be more harmful than the trash on TV…
“…BookTok is short for Book Tik-Tok…a controversial social media app known for its ties to Communist countries…
“…While BookToc is an innocent concept, a disturbing reality is lurking behind the crafted front…It’s very common to recommend a book by only summarizing the plot, stating how good it was, and giving it five out of five stars, without mentioning the overtly sexual content or its LGBTQ storyline…
“…There have been numerous incidents of young women unintentionally exposing their minds and hearts to evil because they read a book that was recommended on BookTok.
“Each year, American Family Association observes Pornography Awareness Week from the last Sunday in October through the first Sunday in November. This year, those dates are October 27 to November 3…
“…The week is designed to encourage pastors to preach about the dangers of pornography and to encourage believers to fight against it…
“…For pornography-related resources visit covenanteyes.com, focusonthefamily.com, and purelifeministries.org. DVD or stream The Freedom of Sexual Purity, Dr. Michael Brown.
“(California) became the first in the nation to BAN policies that require schools to notify their parents of their children’s wishes to change their preferred pronouns or gender identification (AB 1955) …
“…In related news, due to AB 1955, Elon Musk announced his plans to move the headquarters of both his social media platform A and his SpaceX program from California to Texas…Musk had previously warned that such policies would drive families and businesses out of California. Musk posted on X that, for him, ‘This is the final straw’.”
“…A recent study by LexisNexis Risk Solutions… revealed that diagnoses among children showed an increase in gender identity, eating disorders, phobic disorders (and) developmental disorders…
“…While the peak of the pandemic is behind us, we are just now starting to understand the extent to which the ripple effects have permanently impacted mental health nationally and globally…”
“…Sharenting is posting excessive, demeaning, and embarrassing content about your children online…We need to understand the long-term emotional impact sharenting may have on children (and teenagers)—impacts that we cannot see or fathom yet… (Psychologist Dr. Susan Albers.)
“…Dr. Ethan Haim is facing up to 10 years in prison…for allegedly…disclosing protected health information from Texas Children’s Hospital…Haim is accused of leaking patient records to expose the hospital’s continued transgender procedures on minors, despite its public claims of discontinuing such practices…
“…Haim maintains he acted as a whistleblower to protect children from potential abuse… ‘If I don’t, then this abuse can continue. I knew that future generations, like my children, would never be able to forgive me if they knew I had the chance to do something, and I decided to stay silent…’”
“…Nurse Vanessa Sivadge…claims she was threatened by FBI agents at her home after reporting concerns about the hospital’s practices, including possible Medicaid fraud related to transgender procedures…She alleges that TCH doctors ‘cut corners’ to secure federal funds for now-illegal sex change interventions for minors.
“…Home of Grace, a faith-based addiction recovery program based in Vancleave, Mississippi has been changing lives for over six decades…From its earliest days House of Grace had a simple yet profound mission: to love the broken and show true love in Christ (founder Billy Barton)…A typical day interweaves spiritual nourishment with practical life skills and addiction recovery work. See jesuslovesaddicts.com.
“…Tolerance is a manufactured secular, socially manipulated, and weakly constructed excuse for a sentiment. It is not a Christian virtue, a fruit of the Spirit, or a command of Jesus…
“…A life-changing encounter with the Son of God promises, ‘You don’t have to stay this way; there’s a better, higher Way to live. Tolerance says, ‘I embrace the fact that you’re broken. I will agree to underwrite the lie that you can’t ever change’…
“…The recipe for tolerance could be, ‘two parts guilt, a dash of pity, one part spiritual blindness, with heavy doses of naivete. Mix in all oblivious ignorance available…It is never the path to freedom; it is a guarantee of further torture, deeper debauchery, and spiritual slavery…
“…Instead of offering hope, rescue and peace, tolerance says, ‘I celebrate the falsehoods you’ve been told. I will also lie and tell you that the fatal, degrading, noxious hell you’re living in is a valid ‘alternative lifestyle.’…
“…Tolerance is a polite way of saying, ‘I’m OK that people will spend eternity in hell.” (Alex McFarland) (Exploring the Word).
(NOTE: I (Debra) think I should add here that I agree with the message about tolerance, but I think that as we witness to people and express the truth in ‘intolerance’ it’s important to make it clear that we do not hate them, that God loves them, and that it is possible for them to change. However, we must also be bold enough to express ‘intolerance’ of whatever sinful lifestyle we are addressing.
“… (Besides school shootings) …it seems new threats emerge every day, with fears of fentanyl, human trafficking, and newly developing technological traumas like ‘nudifying’ apps, which takes everyday photos or videos of females and remove their clothing. Cyberbullying, sexting, and online pornography are increasingly normative parts of growing up in today’s secular culture…
“..Let’s all be challenged to speak words of encouragement, giving them the message that perhaps they were born ‘for such a time as this’. (Esther 4:14)…
“…Let’s point to a God who never changes, and a Savior who told us that in this world we would have trouble but to take heart and be of good cheer for He has overcome the world (John 16:33)…
“…Try listening first and then engaging them (with questions such as): How do you feel about this? How is this affecting you? What can I do to help you feel supported? What do you think you could do to make a positive difference?…
“…Pray fervently for (our children), that the Lord would bless them and keep them, make His face shine upon them and be gracious to them…May the Lord turn His face toward them and turn their hearts heavenward and grant them peace as they navigate this life God has gifted them. Intentionally engaging your children in meaningful conversation will go a long way in helping shape a biblical worldview. (Jessica L. Peck, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, CNE, CNL, FAANP, FAAN.)
“I am convinced that the American Church has arrived at an impossibly, almost unbearably, significant moment of truth…”
“…With these compelling words, radio host Eric Metaxas opens ‘Letter to the American Church’, a new film adaptation of his book with the same title…With concise precision, the film defines Marxism and traces its all-encompassing roots from Nazi Germany to Russia and China, and then viewers discover that modern woke ideologies are only twisted versions of classic Marxism—the same poison in a different package…
“…The film also parallels eerie similarities between today’s American church and German churches during the 1930s, when churches remained virtually silent as Nazism took root and grew…
“… ‘The churches didn’t see it coming’, (Metaxas said). ‘They were just like we are. In 1933 they never dreamt where it was going. Therefore, the church was silent…We’ve drifted away from the truth…and we have to wake up…because the hour is very, very late…
“…The three-fold mission of cultural Marxism in America is: Destroy the church, the family, and the economy…These culturally divisive tools…exploit gender and race through frameworks such as critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) …
“…Metaxas believes the current Marxist mission…is near completion—unless the church takes an urgent stand… ‘If we don’t wake up now, it’s over.’
“… ‘Anybody who calls himself a Christian, this is for them…The church is always called to come out of the church building and into every single sphere in the culture, to bring God’s values into politics, into culture, into education, into medicine, and into the courts. Everywhere. That is our job.”
RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Religionless Christianity: God’s Answer to Evil, Eric Metaxas – Wimpy, Weak, and Woke: How Truth Can Save America, John L. Cooper.
“Network television has all but abandoned even-handed journalism…In the presidential debate hosted by ABC News on September 10 the debate moderators repeatedly interrupted former President Donald Trump to ‘fact-check’ his claims, but never once ‘fact-checked’ Kamala Harris, despite some of her assertions being demonstrably untrue…
“…An anonymous whistleblower who works for ABC News has said that the Harris campaign was in private communication with ABC and the debate moderators numerous times before the event…(and) that the campaign also received special treatment, including an agreement not to ask questions about Joe Biden’s health or Harris’ tenure as Attorney General of California, (and) that Harris was provided sample questions before the debate…” (Tim Wildmon, September 18, 2024).
“…America desperately needs a moral rebirth. We need to implore God’s blessings on our country and ask Him to forgive our sinfulness and restore our moral perspective.” (Donald Wildmon).
“…We were all shocked by the news of the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump. The bullet from a high-powered rifle…nicked Trump’s ear while he addressed the crowd at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania Saturday afternoon…I firmly believe that God spared President Trump…
“…Although President Trump survived…the gunman took the life of fellow American Corey Comperatore and left two others seriously injured. I read about how Corey instinctively told his wife and daughter to ‘get down’ and literally shielded them from the bullet that led to his death…
“…Friends, there’s no question that our nation is in deep trouble…Can prayer save America? I know it can…The stresses and woes of our nation today are comparable to critical times in…the past…It could happen again. I’m asking you to stop sometime today and pray for America. Pray for the safety, peace, and protection of those who choose to serve in public office. More importantly, I ask you to pray for a spiritual awakening in our nation… See II Chronicles 7:14 and Psalm 107:19-20. (AFA Staff Writer, July 16, 2024.)
“…The radical Left has attempted to mass murder Republican congressmen, as well as Justice Kavanaugh and his family. And recently, Democratic party leaders, through unhinged rhetoric, false allegations of misconduct, proposed legislation and sham prosecutions, have increased the risk of assassination of President Trump, as well as violence against his supporters…
“…Just when you think it couldn’t get any more bizarre, the Biden Justice Department recently took actions to try and destroy the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to protect Joe Biden’s…unauthorized removal, retention and disclosure of classified documents…
“…An open question remains about whether Special Counsel Robert Hur’s conclusion that President Biden’s mishandling of classified records (and) is supported by the evidence…This question is of even more import these days because another special counsel is currently prosecuting President Trump for allegedly engaging in similar actions…”
“…Judicial Watch has launched several investigations of Special Counsel Jack Smith. We’re closely tracking developments…for what they might reveal about Smith’s prosecutorial conduct…The Justice Department denied our FOIA request for the names of senior staff working for Smith…Justice responded by asking a federal court to keep those names secret…
“… (Smith is also involved in the) …Georgia investigation of Trump. To date, in that case, the Justice Department has refused to confirm or deny the existence of records, claiming that to do so would interfere with law enforcement proceedings…
“…President Joe Biden witnessed multiple attacks against U.S. Secret Service members by his dog, Commander” while in office…Secret Service members wished each other a ‘safe shift’ while protecting Biden due to the dozens of agents who were allegedly attacked by the German Shepherd over a two-year period before the dog was given away, the New York Post reported.
“…Those videos of President Biden freezing, getting lost in his thoughts, shuffling, slurring his words, wandering off and simply checking out are ‘cheap fakes’, according to…talking points the White House is now peddling…
“…Mr. Biden and his increasingly bizarre behavior have become the punch line for jokes and memes. But cognitive decline isn’t funny, it’s tragic. In that respect, the president deserves our empathy and compassion. But Americans are right to be concerned about the immediate national security and other consequences caused by Mr. Biden’s evident disability…”
“…Mexican cartels regularly use the…62-mile border between Mexico and Arizona’s Tohono O’odham Nation tribe to traffic illegal drugs and migrants, then they haul their cargo north…into rural Indian communities in Montana and Wyoming.
“…The situation is so out of control that a congressional committee held a hearing in April to examine the impacts of international cartels targeting Indian country…The committee chairman disclosed that cartels have established extensive distribution networks to traffic dangerous substances, notably fentanyl and methamphetamine…
“…Drug overdoses are ravaging communities across Indian country, particularly In Montana and Wyoming…The reservation is a primary transshipment zone for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana destined for the United States…
“…Smugglers have held tribal families hostage, damaged and stolen property, and recruited tribal youth to engage in smuggling activity…
“…Mexican drug cartels are responsible for a drug crisis that has infested every corner of the tribes’ communities, including young and old without regard for gender…”
“…Judicial Watch received five pages of records…that show an April 2020 email exchange with several officials…referring to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s…grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China as including ‘gain-of-function research’ which would leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation…
“…We will…construct novel viruses encoding different spike proteins…and we will test the ability of the resulting novel viruses to infect human cells in culture and infect laboratory animals. We hypothesize that there is a direct correlation between the receptor binding affinity of the spike protein and the abilities to infect human cells…
“…These smoking gun documents showed the FBI quickly understood that Fauci’s agency funded the gain-of-function research that could disguise the resulting coronavirus as ‘natural’. These new documents further demonstrate the need for a comprehensive criminal investigation into Fauci’s gain-of-function scandal.”
“…The National Voter Registration Act requires states to ‘conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove’ from the official voter rolls ‘the names of ineligible voters’ who have died or changed residence. The law requires registrations to be canceled when voters fail to respond to address confirmation notices and then fail to vote in the next two general federal elections…
“…Dirty voter rolls can mean dirty elections. And California’s voter rolls continue to be a mess. Judicial Watch already caused the state to remove over 8 million outdated names…
“…Pennsylvania removals, 178,258; New York City removals, 441,083; Kentucky removals, hundreds of thousands; North Carolina removals, over 430,000…(others not listed).”
“…Evanston, a Chicago suburb…has paid out nearly $5 million to 193 of the town’s black residents over the past two years…
“…Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit on behalf of six residents for the city’s payment program except for the fact that they weren’t the right race.”
“…A conservative advocacy group has filed a class-action lawsuit to kill the program, arguing that it discriminates against the suburb’s non-black residents…
“…Four reasons why Trump chose J.D. Vance as his running mate: 1. He liked Vance’s backstory (military service, law school). 2. Vance’s youth, age thirty-nine. 3. Could carry Trump’s legacy long past 2028. 4. Could reinforce a message toward working class voters with the story his impoverished roots.
(Note from Debra: Vance was widely praised after his debate with Tim Walz in which he ‘re-introduced’ himself to the American public and proved he was well-informed on the issues, and actually had plans…)
“…(Santorum) sees the hard, leftward lurch of the Democratic party under the Biden administration—an immigration crisis the … persecution of political opponents, the emphasis on critical race theory and gender doctrines…
“…Santorum maintains that Democrat activists have abandoned the classic Judeo-Christian emphasis on the dignity of the individual to instead focus on class divisions and intersectionality—and they’re doing so with a vengeance…
“…This is a Democratic Party with an incredible lust for power. It is a party that has sort of abandoned God—they don’t mention God at their conventions anymore, because it’s a party that has a new religion, and that religion is Marxism…
“…The Left projects onto…Donald Trump what they believe…So they call him a threat to democracy when every day they’re going out there and doing things that undermine democratic norms…
“… ‘I think there is still a body of support in this country for the values that made our country great…I get the sense the pendulum is starting to swing back. Now whether we’ll see that happen in time for this election, we’ll just have to wait and see.’”
(Quotes by J.D. Vance at the Republican National Convention) :
“…We’re done, ladies and gentlemen, catering to Wall Street. We’ll commit to the working class…
“…We won’t import foreign labor…We’ll fight for American citizens…
“…We won’t buy energy from countries that hate us; we’ll get it right here from American workers…
“…We won’t sacrifice our supply chains to unlimited global trade; we’ll stamp every product MADE IN THE USA…We will build factories again, put people to work making real products for American families, made with the hands of American workers.”
“…For decades the Buffett Foundation—endowed by business magnate Warren and named for his late wife—has poured incredible sums into the most powerful abortion lobbies in the world…4.7 million into pro-abortion groups…enough to pay for 9.4 million abortions…
“…Buffett may be the biggest funder of abortion in history…Buffett himself hardly speaks publicly about abortion, perhaps…out of concern that it would damage his investments and public image…”
“…Few Americans have heard of Arabella Advisors…It’s a dark money network of leftist billionaires secretly transforming America. It caters to donors like the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Ford Foundation, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations…The sheer quantity of money that has flowed through Arabella’s nonprofits is staggering…Politico labelled it a dark money behemoth.”
“Homeschooling, which carries with it a panoply of rules and regulations in some states and almost none in others, continues to surge among families…
“…There are myriad reasons for the growth. Some parents have grown leery of what they consider to be a left-leaning curriculum in public schools, including the push…to incorporate programs related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and critical race theory…
“…Others shun the idea of allowing transgender students to use restrooms and locker rooms not assigned to their birth sex, while others want to incorporate elements of their faith into the curriculum…
“…For (one mother) it was the local school district’s inability to work with her daughter, a third grader who was diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder…
“…’Anyone can homeschool their child…With the right resources and support, you can create a successful homeschooling environment for your child’ (Nicki Truesdell, member of the Texas Home Educators Advisory Board and author of Anyone Can Homeschool).
(From J.D. Vance’s interview with Bianca De La Garza, Newsmax TV):
“…The interview was disrupted twice by a drone being flown by illegal migrants who were approaching the border from inside Mexico….
“…Vance confirmed that just as he was arriving for the interview, he was told of the approaching migrants… ‘It’s like, this is our country, right…and we’re worried about drones invading our airspace’…
“…He added that it’s not necessary to guess why the Biden administration wants an open border…They say they want to import millions of legal aliens, give them the right to vote, give them amnesty, and then they don’t have to worry about their own citizens anymore because they then have imported a new group of voters’.”
“…Here we have clear and present danger for traditional and libertarian Americans. It is no accident the radical-left Soros boys, George and Alexander, were among the first to canonize St. Joan of Kamala. The…question is: Why?…
“…President Joe Biden is a useful tool for the progressives…His vice president is different. Far more ruthless than Biden…Harris will literally say anything and personally attack you if she is challenged. She is angry and determined to turn America into California…
“…She (Harris) is a danger to the foundations of this country.”
“The real threat to democracy is when you’re trying to put people in jail for political reasons…
“…Can we restore Ronald Reagan’s vision of America as ‘a shining city on a hill’, considering that after Donald Trump announced his re-election he was suddenly hit with multiple criminal charges?…
“…Democrats privately rejoiced as the subsequent probe by special counsel Robert Mueller gave them cover to mercilessly attack Trump as a threat to democracy, including two attempted impeachments…By that point, the lawfare trend was evident. The Justice Department’s contorted efforts to protect Hunter Biden after the 2020 laptop fiasco only made it more so…’
“…Tech billionaire challenges status quo, goes all in for Trump…
“…Musk, 53, who for the most of his time in the public arena was known as the green energy guy who had risen to prominence as the visionary behind Tesla…and a supporter of former President Barak O’Bama, had officially switched teams…
“…He had now positioned himself as a warrior in the battle to defeat what he derisively called ‘the woke left’…
“…The question comes up again and again in left-leaning political circles: What happened to Elon Musk?…
“…It was in 2020, after the pandemic had begun to sweep its way through the nation, that a significant change had begun to occur in how he perceived the two political parties, according to sources…
“…He saw the (Democratic Party) letting go of a lot of the bedrock principles that he had always embraced while he watched friends, and people he really respected on the Left, begin to lose their minds…
“… ‘I voted overwhelmingly for Democrats historically’, (Musk) said… ‘Like, I’m not sure, I might never have voted Republican. Just to be clear, right now, now, this election, I would. I will.’…
“…Is Elon Musk losing his mind? … Countless variations of the same question have circulated through left-leaning media circles who can’t fathom why their onetime hero has turned into an adversary…
“…Others have chalked up Musk’s political shift as a gimmick, or dismissed it as an irrational act by a famously mercurial figure…
“…Still, those closest to the billionaire…claim Musk arrived at his opinions after much thought and introspection.”
“An unprecedented rise of billionaire businessmen pouring fortunes into political parties is igniting debate over the effect these massive cash infusions can have on our democracy…
“…Last October, Senator Josh Hawley introduced a bill to fight against corporate money in politics and ban publicly traded corporations from making independent expenditures, creating political ads, or contributing to super political action committees…
“… (Hawley writes): For decades, Corporate America has funneled billions of dollars into elections in favor of politicians who favor their woke, social agendas—instead of American voters’ interests…This legislation would hold megacorporation’s’ feet to the fire and stop their dollars from buying our elections…”
“…The fifth installment of the God’s Not Dead franchise brings today’s debates on faith, policy, and governance to the big screen…
“…God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust, which tackles political and spiritual concepts including whether God still has a place in politics, hit theaters Sept. 12. …
“… (Vance Null, director) : People are searching for God. And I think we are on the cusp of a potential revival. You could still have the perfect relationship, or a job making a lot of money, or a dream car or house, but people are unfulfilled. There’s still that hole in their heart…
“… (Samaire Armstrong, cast member) : We were created as one nation under God, and nowadays the emphasis to get rid of God is at an all-time high. And once they remove God, they become God…The film serves as a reminder to stand firm in your beliefs despite what others may say…It’s the hero’s story of getting knocked down, getting back up again, finding the spirit inside of you to keep going…
“…You stand by the principles of your faith, and you’re very powerful…It’s not often you get to go to a film where you get to feel charged up when you leave, and you absolutely get that experience with this movie.” MOVIE TRAILER.
THE WICKEDLY WICKED (Book Ad: The Everlasting Gospel of Christ)
“…Certainly, we are living in the time of the end, when the wicked are doing wickedly (Daniel 12:9-10) …
“…I am not Catholic (Author) but the Pope in Rome has recently declared 2025 to be a year of ‘Jubilee’. According to the Jewish law in ancient times, every fiftieth year was a year of Jubilee, in which all things were restored as at the beginning. Debts were canceled, prison doors were opened, families were reunited and everyone enjoyed a new beginning…
“…To America, Jubilee would be the year our nation is restored to constitutional government. Righteous laws will be enacted. No longer will drag queens have access to our elementary children. The influence of God will be restored to our public schools, and the ‘woke’ community will be replaced by those who are ‘awakened’ to righteousness…”
“A Kamala Harris presidency will be a hard sell to ‘white dudes’ who have been in the crosshairs of her signature policy, ‘equity’—a policy democrats are pressuring her to expand should she win a promotion to the Oval Office…It sounds like ‘equality’, but it’s just the opposite…
“…It means giving preferences to women and certain minorities while disadvantaging white men…
“…The Build Back Better bill prioritized contractors and subcontractors owned by minorities or women…That’s unfair…Why should your skin color or gender matter…”
“…Voters need to ask themselves whether they agree with Harris or want a society that treats people as individuals…Progressive policies disadvantaging white men threaten all men…
“…Harris shouldn’t expect the victims of her equity policies to vote for her in November.”
“…Where in the Bible can we find the answers to America’s problems? …We humbly invite the Spirit who inspired the Word to guide our journey into discovering what God says about an issue…If we humbly cross-reference scriptures, receive counsel from Spirit-filled believers, and prayerfully place everything before God, we will receive confirmation of the answer…
“…We can speak life with love and truth, not to win arguments, but to show that Jesus has power to restore this broken world…” Christian Broadcasting Network Newsletter, September 17, 2024.
To be salt in the world, we need to get out of the shaker.
Salt has to penetrate. It doesn’t prevent decay, but delays it.
We shouldn’t be sitting on our ‘blessed assurances’ and doing nothing.
We have a duty to prefer Christians as our leaders. The leaders we elect determine the policies we follow.
Is the candidate a Christian? (Proverbs 29:2). Do the candidate’s policies align with the Bible (such as sanctity of life)? What is the candidate’s view of Israel (Gen. 12:2-3)? Will the candidate get things done? (I Timothy 2:1-2)?
To make a difference: Participate in the process. It is a tragedy that people don’t vote. Don’t wait for a Goldilocks environment (it will never be perfect). Don’t let the best become the enemy of the good—evil triumphs when we do nothing. Vote on the basis of facts, not rumors. (John 8:44, Ephesians 4:25). Trust in God’s sovereignty. Don’t panic or be afraid.
“Christians are called to advocate for biblical principles within the public square. This is not imposing religion; it is advocating morality.
We must be engaged in the cultural battles – even when we grow weary – for truth is at stake in every arena, and eternal destinies hang in the balance.
Religious freedom is a matter of conscience, and no government has the right to coerce an individual to violate his or her faith.” END QUOTES.
What is the electoral college?
An electoral college is a set of electors who are selected to elect a candidate to particular offices. Wikipedia
Click here for The Bipartisan Center website.
The electoral college has two key principles, the separation of powers, and federalism.
The EC aims to neither advantage nor disadvantage any specific race.
The EC provides a counterbalance to protect lower-population states from political irrelevancy compared to major population centers.
“Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representative to which the state may be entitled in the Congress: but no senator or representative or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States shall be appointed an elector.” Constitution of the United States, Article II, Section I.
In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton lost the election even though she won the popular vote.
The EC is an essential component for protection from domination by the larger states. “The United States was created as a representative republic, not a pure democracy.”
Republic. Considered to be the ideal form of government. Derives its authority from the consent of the governed, creates laws through elected representatives, and executes laws following due process.
Democracy. Decisions are made and leaders are chosen by the direct vote of the people.
Federalism. The division of power between the states and the central government. Matters should be dealt with as locally as possible.
Absolute Majority. More than 50% of the vote.
Plurality. The largest vote when no candidate wins an absolute majority.
Electoral Majority. A majority of electors in the Electoral College.
Contingent Election. When no candidate receives a majority of the Electoral College vote, the result is a contingent election decided by a state-by-state (one vote per state) vote in the House of Representatives.
Faithless Electors. Electors who don’t vote for the candidate who wins the most votes in their state, particularly when the elector had previously pledged to do so.
(For more information go to Turning Point USA).
I hope that something in this post has informed you, stirred your emotions, or made you feel led to take action on one or more issues.
But, if nothing else, PLEASE VOTE!